Title: An Extractive-and-Abstractive Framework for Source Code Summarization
The dependencies can be installed using the following command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
The CodeSearchNet original dataset can be downloaded from the github repo: https://github.com/github/CodeSearchNet, and the cleaned dataset (CodeXGLUE) can be downloaded from the https://drive.google.com/open?id=1rd2Tc6oUWBo7JouwexW3ksQ0PaOhUr6h
The JCSD and PCSD dataset can be downloaded from the github repo: https://github.com/xing-hu/TL-CodeSum and https://github.com/wanyao1992/code_summarization_public
Run the Extractor_ classifier/make_label/make_dataset_label.py
to generate the classification labels for classifier training.
For example:
cd Extractor_ classifier/make_label/
python make_dataset_label.py
And run the Extractor_ classifier/train.py
to train the classifier model.
For example:
cd Extractor_ classifier/
python train.py {language}
The classifier model will be saved in the Extractor_ classifier/model/
, and run the Extractor_ classifier/classifier.py
to generate the important sentences predicted value.
cd Extractor_ classifier/
python classifier.py {language}
The {language} can be selected in java, python, go, php, ruby, javascript, JCSD, PCSD
the output samples are as follows:
- output samples:
"code_tokens":["private", "int", "currentDepth", ...],
"docstring_tokens": ["returns", "a", "0", ...],
"ex_labels": [1, 0, 1, ...],
"cleaned_seqs_pred": [1, 0, 1, ...]
To train the EACS CodeBert model:
cd EACS_codeBert/
python train.py {language}
To test and output the EACS CodeBert results:
python test.py {language}
The {language} can be selected in java, python, go, php, ruby, javascript, JCSD, PCSD
To train the EACS CodeBert model and it also will outputs the results:
cd EACS_codeT5/
python run_gen.py {language}
The {language} can be selected in java, python, go, php, ruby, javascript, JCSD, PCSD
After trainning the EACS + CodeBert and EACS + CodeT5 models, run the evaluation code to output Bleu, Meteor and Rouge-L:
(Switch into python 2.7)
cd Evaluation/
python evaluate.py