TensorFlow code and pre-trained models for BERT
wsyandy / patent
Forked from blockchain-university/patent区块链、加密学货币相关技术专利,主要来源于美国、中国、欧洲、日韩。
A light package for Android development, it handles loading image and network request.
Some beautiful android loading drawable, can be combined with any view as the LoadingView or the ProgressBar. Besides, some Drawable can customize the loading progress too.
ThinkPHP 整合 Auth 权限管理、支付宝、微信支付、阿里 OSS、友盟推送、融云即时通讯、云通讯短信、Email、Excel、PDF 等等,基于 ThinkPHP 扩展了大量的功能,而不改动 ThinkPHP 核心,非常方便的升级、移植和使用。
A sample mobile application built with AngularJS
A UI library by WeChat official design team, includes the most useful widgets/modules in mobile web applications.
由于前端业界早已以React/Vue/Angular为主,个人也多年未使用过jQuery,此仓库已不再维护。推荐大家尽快转向 AntD、Element等更先进的UI库,,
微信 自动抢红包 插件外挂(Android),实现了监控通知栏,自动点击红包等功能,帮助大家快速抢到红包
wsyandy / NoWechatRevoke
Forked from bin456789/NoWechatRevokeXposed 插件,防止别人撤回微信。(已弃坑)