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CT Projection and Reconstruction Package

Version information

CUDA 11.2, Tensorflow-gpu 2.11.0

Please check the tags for other pre-built versions.


  • pip install git+
  • pip install git+ --no-dependencies

The second option is more useful when you are using conda to manage the environment.


The package has the following python modules. Refer to the notebooks in example/ for example scripts.


import ct_projector.projector.cupy  # cupy
import ct_projector.projector.numpy  # numpy
import ct_projector.projector.tensorflow  # Tensorflow


import ct_projector.prior.cupy  # cupy
import ct_projector.prior.numpy  # numpy

Reconstruction Algorithms

import ct_projector.recon.cupy   # cupy

Cupy vs. Numpy vs. Tensorflow

Cupy is the recommended routine if GPU memory is not an issue. It avoids the memory transfer between CPU and GPU and thus are a lot faster than the Numpy routine. The tensorflow routine are implemented so that the projectors can be part of a network to do auto backpropagation (unrolled network).


  • The images are assumed to have dimension (batch, nz, ny, nx), where batch is the highest dimension;
  • The projections are assumed to have dimension (batch, nview, nv, nu), where batch is the highest dimension;
  • The cuda kernel accept float32 type array unless specified otherwise. A type cast is done within the function for C-routine python calls, but not for cupy-routines. Hence, one needs to pay attention to their data type especially when calling the cupy subroutine;
  • Pay attention to the data order of arrays. Use np.copy(x, order='C') or cp.array(x, order='C') if you are not sure of the order. Especially when you slice from an array the underlying data will not be reordered.



The supported GPU architectures are:

  • arch=compute_60,code=sm_60: P100, etc.
  • arch=compute_61,code=sm_61: GTX 1080 etc.
  • arch=compute_70,code=sm_70: V100 etc.
  • arch=compute_75,code=sm_75: RTX2080 etc.
  • arch=compute_80,code=sm_80: A100 etc. (cuda >= 11.0)

Please ref to for more information.

CUDA Version

The .so files were pre-built with certain cuda version. It should be compatible with newer version of CUDA runtime. In case it needs to be rebuilt, refer to Build Kernel from Source.

Tensorflow Support

The .so files were built certain Tensorflow-gpu version. It is not likely to be compatible to other Tensorflow, including pip/conda-installed versions. See Build Kernel from Source to rebuild the tensorflow module with other versions.

Tensorflow is needed only if you need the tensorflow part of the package to be functioning. Without Tensorflow, the rest part (cupy and numpy) will still be working. Because Tensorflow integration is not so frequently required, it is not included in the setup requirement.


cupy >= 8.0 is required to run the cupy modules. Without cupy, the numpy module will still work.

Build Kernel from Source

The kernels can be rebuilt for different cuda and tensorflow versions.

Using Docker

  1. Modify the docker/dockerfile and docker/requirements.txt to the target cuda and tensorflow version. Note that a devel image is needed.
  2. From docker/ dir, run ./ to build the docker image;
  3. (Only if you don't want to build tf-module) In docker/, change make all to make cuda;
  4. From docker/ dir, run ./ to compile the kernels;
  5. From code root, run pip install . to install the package

Using Conda

  1. Create a new empty conda environment and activate it.
  2. conda install -c conda-forge cudatoolkit-dev=<ver> to install target version cudatoolkit. The installation will take a while.
  3. conda install tensorflow-gpu=<ver> to install target tensorflow version.
  4. cd src/ct_projector/kernel && make clean && make all to build the full version, Or cd src/ct_projector/kernel && make clean && make cuda to build the cuda-only version
  5. Activate your working cuda environment and run from code root pip install .. A minimal environment to run the examples can be found at conda_env/

Cuda-Only Version

Because the three modules (numpy, cupy, tensorflow) works independently, there is no need to build a cuda-only version separately. In any case if chose to build cuda-only version, tensorflow-gpu is no longer needed,


By tf-compatible, it means that the module is programmed to:

  • Have separate memory allocation and free functions, so that all the needed GPU memory can be allocated by Tensorflow API
  • Have considered cuda stream in the function calls

Cupy and Numpy Modules

Cupy/Numpy Module Name Detector Trajectory Algorithm tf-compatible Comments
cupy, numpy cone siddon_fp(bp)_arbitrary Conebeam flat panel Abitrary Siddon Yes
cupy, numpy tomo distance_driven_fp(bp) Conebeam flat panel Tomosynthesis Distance driven No The main axis should always be z. Detector assumed u=(1,0,0), v=(0,1,0)
numpy fan_equiangular siddon_fp(bp) Fanbeam equiangular Circular Siddon No
cupy, numpy fan_equiangular ramp_filter, fbp_bp Fanbeam equiangular Circular Pixel driven FBP No
cupy, numpy fan_equiangular distance_driven_fp(bp) Fanbeam equiangular Circular Distance driven Yes
cupy, numpy parallel distance_driven_fp(bp) Parallel beam Circular Distance driven Yes
numpy parallel pixel_driven_bp Parallel beam Circular Pixel driven No
cupy, numpy parallel ramp_filter Parallel beam Circular Filter No
numpy helical_equiangular_parallel_rebin helical parallel rebin/BP Conebeam equiangular Helical Rebin to parallel and FBP No Rebin + parallel.ramp_filter + BP for reconstruction. There is also padding functions to handle the Siemens dual source CT. The parallel conebeam rebinning is more accurate than single-slice rebinning and introduce less error between the A and B reconstructions.

Tensorflow Modules

Module Name Detector Trajectory Algorithm Comments
cone SiddonFP(BP)Arbitrary Conebeam flat panel Arbitrary Siddon None
circular_2d DistanceDriven2DFP(BP) Parallel beam Circular Distance driven see ex_fp_bp_dd_tf.ipynb
filters ProjectionFilter Parallel beam Circular RL, Hann see ex_fp_bp_dd_tf.ipynb


Cupy/Numpy Name Supported denoising method Supported priors Supported algorithms Comments
cupy, numpy nlm (Guided) Non-local mean Gaussian SQS Needed component for Gaussian in SQS can be realized by calling nlm

Reconstruction Algorithms

Cupy/Numpy Name Comments
cupy, numpy sqs_gaussian