Seeds initial/dictionary/static data into the database.
Uses simple CSV with the predefined structure to seed data into DB.
Short QA:
Why don't seed data via SQL and Flyway/Liquidbase/etc?
Data changing via SQL is enough for you for the project to start, but after a while, it's not very convenient to analyze a lot of SQLs to understand the last data state
It's much simpler for me to do the same via SQL
Maybe, but usually slightly simpler to create/update CSV than write SQL for the same
Why INSERT/UPDATE only, but not DELETE?
Because DELETE is a more sensitive operation than others. So it's better to remove unnecessary rows from CSV and create an SQL script to remove the same rows from DB
CSV for seeds should contain at least 2 lines.
- 1st line: list of used columns in the table, delimited with ; by default
- 2nd line: seed settings, delimited with ; by default
- 3rd line and further: table data with accordance to columns in 1st line
Lines besides the first two can be commented with the symbol # at the line start
Usually, column data is inserted/updated via parameters, but when you use !! before value, this data used in place, for example
key, value
table: test_table; keys: key
test key 1;test value 1
test key 2;!!`test value 2`
produces SQL:
INSERT INTO test_table (key, value) VALUES (?,?)
INSERT INTO test_table (key, value) VALUES (?,'test value 2')
- table - table name (example: table: my_table)
- keys - key columns, delimited with , (example: keys: col1, col2). Usually, it's not the primary key, especially when the key it's autoincremented column, but a column with value, which uniquely identifies a row in CSV
- condition - additional condition for table checking/referencing (example: condition: is_deleted = 0)
- action - possible actions with CSV data (example: action: modify)
- ignore - ignore this table, do nothing
- ignore_not_empty - ignore this table only if the table has data, otherwise - insert data from CSV. Default
- insert - check every row in table via keys and insert new row only
- modify - check every row in table via keys, insert new rows or update existing
- references - describe references to other tables (example: references: test_table_1_id = test_table_1(enum_field)). Usually used for foreign keys. Consists of 3 parts:
- column name from 1st line
- referenced table
- referenced column It means that for referencing column you should use values from a specified column from the referenced table and after processing this value must be replaced with the primary key value from the referenced table There is possible more than one column. Column values joined via two sharps (##). Example: references: test_table_1_id = test_table_1(col1##col2). Value: colValue1##colValue2 Use multiple reference columns with caution: current implementation joins fields in check SQL, so this can not use DB indexes.
You can use data of any type from text value to dates and times (in ISO format). Data types should be recognized automatically.
For arrays, you should use | delimiter for array items.
For extract value from external file (e.g. for big columns) you should use @@ sign. These external files should be inside the source directory.
table: test_table_2; keys: enum_field_2; references: test_table_1_id = test_table_1(enum_field); action: insert
TEST11;test_12;1;11 | 12 | 13;test_char 1 | test char 2 | test char 3;other test;1;TEST1
TEST12;test_13;2;21 | 22 | 23;test_char 11 | test char 21 | test char 31;other test 11;0;TEST2
TEST13;test_13;2;21 | 22 | 23;@@dataDir/value.en.txt | @@dataDir/ | @@dataDir/;0;TEST2
DBSSettings settings = new DBSSettings.Builder()
.connection(dbConnection) // DBConnection
.dbSchema("PUBLIC") // database schema
.sourceType(SourceType.CSV) // type of source data
.sourceDir("data") // directory with source data (e.g. /src/main/resources/data)
.putOnUpdate("test_table_1", (info, row) -> {
String fieldName = "big_field";
if ("test_1".equals(info.getFieldValue(fieldName, row))) {
info.setFieldValue(fieldName, "test_new", row);
.putOnInsert("test_table_3", (info, row) -> {
String fieldName = "test_table_1_id";
if ("TEST1##test_1".equals(info.getFieldValue(fieldName, row))) {
info.setFieldValue("test_table_1_id", "TEST1##test_new", row);
.putOnAfterInsert("test_table_3", (info, row, insertResult) -> {
Integer id = (Integer) insertResult.get("id");
LOG.trace("Inserted new record with id = {}", id);
DBSeeder seeder = new DBSeeder(settings);; // read data from seed source
seeder.write(); // write data into DB
There are a few listeners for data processing:
- onRow - called before processing for every row, before all checking
- onInsert - called before each insert
- onUpdate - called before each update
- onAfterInsert - called after each insert. Used only for DBs with INSERT that support the RETURNING clause. Currently only PostgreSQL is supported