An Big Number Calculator to calculate very large whole numbers, the max amount of digits you can get in Visual Basic is ±28 with the Decimal datatype, the Big Number Calculator will go upto 1000 digits. You can basically calculate with Strings now! It supports and handles negative numbers and corner cases of specific operations. The built-in functions are:
- Add
- Subtract
- Multiply
- Divide
You can specify the amount of digits you want, or how many decimal places.
- Exponent
Arguments are Integers, here the result is most important and can be 1000+ digits.
- Modulus
- IntegerDivision
- Max
- Min
- BiggerThan
- IsZero
Allmost all of these will work with 1000 digits, and return the result instantly(Division is still too slow for 1000 digit numbers, though. Up to 300 digits it works fine.)
The code has Function comments and descriptions. Also, the code itself is commented if you want to take a look at it. For a detailed explanation of the inner workings you can of course contact me.