This was our final assignment for Semester 1 Machine Learning.
We were told to Use the usps data set from and report precision and recall for each class in the data set.
USPS_DATASET/TrainUSPS = Training File USPS_DATASET/Test = testing file. Also contains outputs for creating ground truth file to check accuracy of classifier.
##Steps Followed:
- Download libsvm
- Read README of libsvm
- Go to downloaded folder of libsvm via terminal
- Execute the make commmand for your system.
- Download USPS dataset
- Copy Datasets to libsvm folder.
- Run following Commands 8 and 9 in terminal.
- ./svm-train USPS_DATASET/TrainUSPS
- ./svm-predict USPS_DATASET/Test TrainUSPS.model USPS_DATASET/OutputValue
- Step 8. trains the svm and creates a model file.
- Step 9. Makes prediction on test file using Model and outputs the predictions into a file and prints the accuracy of classification.
Now that predictions have been made, I made a simple calculator for finding the precision and recall for each class in the dataset.It can be found under USPS_DATASET/ 10. Run the command: python GroundTruth OutputValue. This calculates the Recall and precision for all classes.
- USPS_DATASET/TrainUSPS = Training File
- USPS_DATASET/Test = testing file. Also contains outputs for creating ground truth file to check accuracy of classifier.
- TrainUSPS.model = Model file created after running Step 8.
- OutputValue = File where we saved all predictions.
- GroundTruth = Only Class/Labels from the test file.
###Created for Dr. Asharaf S.