All of Vissim's DLL-based APIs, including DriverModel and Signal Control APIs - feature a uniform C-style design, where various data-tags are dispatched during runtime using switch-case statements.
- In a nutshell, Vissim's C-style APIs provide a very flexible mechanism for user-defined driver-behavior or signal control logics. They only use primitive data types in the interface declaration, hence not requiring any external dependencies.
- Vissim's C-style APIs may also provide some efficiency when switch-case statements can be optimized by the compiler as a jump table. However, that is not always the case, and switch-case statements can be slow during simulation runtime, especially when the number of cases is large (e.g., greater than 7) (see Ref [1] and [2]).
From the software engineering perspective, there are some nuances with Vissim's C-style design as well:
- User code may end up spaghetti-like, mixing boiler-plate interface code with the code that implements the user-defined driver behavior logic.
- User code may ultimately become hard to extend and maintain. The big switch-case structure has to be re-visited again and again for editing, adding, or modifying - an apparent violation of the SOLID principle, i.e., "open for extension, closed for modification".
The framework herein provides a different design and implementation in modern C++ - modular, structured, while still computationally efficient (actually, faster). Specifically, this framework features:
Separation of Concerns
- intf is responsible for communicating with the Vissim simulator. It includes DLL export functions with minimal boiler-plate code. This part of code is not supposed to be changed by the user.
- logic is where the user implements customized driver behavior logic. The user should implement the DriverModelFactory accordingly.
- event is a type of "glue" code, responsible for "wiring-up" various driver model events. The user is not supposed to change the code in this part.
- The new event-dispatching mechanism no longer uses "boring" (and slower) switch-case statements. The mechanism now dispatches events to proper event handlers using a faster static table of function pointers.
- More important, this new mechanism facilitates writing structured, scalable, and maintainable code for sophisticated user-defined logic, thanks to that events are now completely decoupled from user logic.
- meta. Low-level C++ meta enum helper class. Somewhat complex but worthwhile and fun to explore. This part of code is not supposed to be changed by the user.
Open for extension, close for modification
- Those boring and slower switch-case statements are replaced by an array of function pointers automatically constructed at compile time, which leads to faster event dispatching than the original switch statements.
- Template specialization enables auto-registration of events during compile time.
Single Responsibility
- User logic and user events are isolated, and can be extended and maintained easily in a much cleaner way.
To be added.
To be added.
To be added.
C++ compiler that supports C++/17 or above. The latest MSVC compiler recommended.
Windows only. But you can customize the interface part of the code to make it work on Linux since this framework uses standard C++ only.
This framework partly uses meta_enum originally developed by Tobias Widlund.