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This is the source code of my portfolio website. I use the Gatsby Simplefolio as a template to contain my projects.

Live Demo:

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


You'll need Git and Node.js (which comes with NPM) installed on your computer.
Also you need to have installed Gatsby CLI

Also, you can use Yarn instead of NPM

How To Use

From your command line, first clone Simplefolio:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd gatsby-simplefolio

# Remove current origin repository
$ git remote remove origin

Then you can install the dependencies either using NPM or Yarn:

Using NPM:

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start development server
$ npm run develop

Using Yarn:

# Install dependencies
$ yarn

# Start development server
$ yarn develop

NOTE: If your run into issues installing the dependencies with NPM, use this command:

# Install dependencies with all permissions
$ sudo npm install --unsafe-perm=true --allow-root

Once your server has started, go to this url http://localhost:8000/ and you will see the website running on a Development Server:



Go to /src/mock/data.js and fill your information, they are 5 objects:

Hero Section

export const heroData = {
  title: '', // Hello, my name is
  name: '', // John
  subtitle: '', // I'm the Unknown Developer.
  cta: '', // Know more

About Section

Important Note: All the images must live inside the src/images/ folder in order for Gatsby to show the images correctly.

export const aboutData = {
  img: 'profile.jpg', // put your profile image (recommended aspect radio: square)
  paragraphOne: '',
  paragraphTwo: '',
  paragraphThree: '',
  resume: '', // if no resume, the button will not show up

Projects Section

Important Note: All the images must live inside the src/images/ folder in order for Gatsby to show the images correctly.

Put as many projects object you want inside the array.

export let projectsData;
projectsData = [
    id: nanoid(),
    img: 'project.jpg',
    title: '',
    info: '',
    info2: '',
    url: '',
    repo: '', // if no repo, the button will not show up
    id: nanoid(),
    img: 'project.jpg',
    title: '',
    info: '',
    info2: '',
    url: '',
    repo: '', // if no repo, the button will not show up

Contact Section

export const contactData = {
  cta: '', // call to action text for the contact section
  btn: '', // text inside the button
  email: '',

Footer Section

You can remove or add as many you social-media icons you want.
Just put an object with the corresponding values inside the networks array or remove it from there.

export const footerData = {
  networks: [
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'twitter',
      url: '', // your twitter url
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'codepen',
      url: '', // your codepen url
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'linkedin',
      url: '', // your linkedin url
      id: nanoid(),
      name: 'github',
      url: '', // your github url

Required - Disable GitHub buttons

Set isEnabled to false once you finish set up your portfolio.
By setting to false it will hide the GitHub stars/fork buttons

export const githubButtons = {
  isEnabled: true, // true is the default value

Step 2 - STYLES

Change the color theme of the website ( choose 2 colors to create a gradient ):

Go to src/styles/abstracts/_variables.scss and only change the values on this classes $main-color and $secondary-color to your preferred HEX color

// Default values
$main-color: #02aab0;
$secondary-color: #00cdac;

Note: I highly recommend to check out gradients variations on UI Gradient


I use GitHub Pages to deploy my website, and there is a "GitHub Action" tutorial to help me to do that:


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