MiniJSON is a simple header-only JSON parsing library written using C++11 features. It is created while I was learning the inner workings of a JSON parser from awesome libraries such as JSON for Modern C++ and cJSON. It is maintained only for learning purposes and not intended to be used on production.
#include <iostream>
#include "miniJSON/miniJSON.h"
// parse JSON string
auto json = miniJSON::parse(
R"({"username": "Alicia", "age": 32, "friends": ["Michael", "David"], "job": null})");
// access values in JSON node
std::cout << json["username"].get_string() << std::endl; // Alicia
std::cout << json["age"].get_integer() << std::endl; // 32
std::cout << json["friends"][1].get_string() << std::endl; // David
// change values in JSON node
json["username"] = "Gloria";
json["age"] = 26;
json["friends"][1] = "Daryl";
json["job"] = "Statistician";
std::cout << json["username"].get_string() << std::endl; // Gloria
std::cout << json["age"].get_integer() << std::endl; // 26
std::cout << json["friends"][1].get_string() << std::endl; // Daryl
std::cout << json["job"].get_string() << std::endl; // Statistician
// use initializer list to create JSON object or array
json["likes"] = {"volleyball", "tennis"}; // array
json["relationship"] = {{"John", "husband"}}; // object
std::cout << json.to_string() << std::endl;
iterating over array
for (auto &j : json["friends"]) {
std::cout << j.get_string() << std::endl;
iterating over object
John : husband
for (auto it = json["relationship"].begin(); it != json["relationship"].end(); it++) {
std::cout << it.key() << " : " << it.value()->get_string() << std::endl;
delete entries from object
json["friends"].erase(0); // deleted Michael at array index 0
delete entries from array
json["relationship"].erase("John"); // deleted a pair whose key is John
Copyright (c) 2024 Zhichen (Joshua) Wen