Amphetamine is a sandboxed app. This means that macOS security restrictions prevent Amphetamine from doing some things out-of-the-box, such as being able to see all processes running on your Mac. If you're tyring to set up an App/Process Trigger and aren't seeing the process you want, you may need to install this Expanded Process Detection script. To be sure, double-check that the process is actually running on your Mac first. You can't add a process to an Amphetamine Trigger without the process actually running at the time you are configuring the Trigger. If you're sure the process is running, try downloading this script and installing it in the specific path.
- Download the file
- Double-click to decompress the script (may happen automatically)
- Move the processDiscovery.scpt file into the Install Path
- Quit and relaunch Amphetamine
Click here to download the ZIP file that includes the script.
/Users/YourUserAccount/Library/Application Scripts/com.if.Amphetamine/
Amphetamine 5.3 or higher.