STM32 Library for Addressable LEDs: WS2812(b), WS2811, SK6812, etc. Supports RGB & RGBW LEDs.
Base smart contract for
Signum Blockchain Explorer
SignumJS - Javascript SDK for Signum
Decompiler, Optimizer and Recompiler for smart contracts on Signum Blockchain
Write C smart contracts for signum network. Compile in your browser.
Signum Explorer Telegram Bot - the simplified version of the web Signum Explorer
Straightforward HTML parser for JavaScript
Improved navigation between Git branches.
Script to obtain watch or band bluetooth token from Huami servers
Swiss army knife for identifying and fingerprinting Android devices. MIT license, no restrictions on usage in production.
Docker-environment for web-development on PHP
A curated list of awesome resources for product managers to learn and grow.
alexstep / cross-ga
Forked from peaksandpies/universal-analyticsA browser & node module for Google's Universal Analytics and Measurement Protocol
Angular UI Kit and components library for awesome people
Alfred workflow for getting NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen) train schedule.
Alfred workflow for opening your JetBrains IDEs projects
MODX Revolution - Content Management Framework
Tarantool database backend for Django applications.
xDWart / surgemq
Forked from zentures/surgemq(Unmaintained) High-Performance MQTT Server and Client Libraries
xDWart / zap
Forked from uber-go/zapBlazing fast, structured, leveled logging in Go.