- Random spawn locations when sent to jail, performs emote on spawn
- Configurable alert dialog when entering prison
- Check time / check-out zone (Configurable)
- Remove jobs when player is sent to prison (Configurable)
- Functions for any dispatch and emote resources (Configurable)
- Lifers feature based on player CIDs, includes export to check if player is a lifer by their source
- Toggleable feature to auto apply and remove prison clothes
- Canteen ped providing players with a drink and food item
- Doctor ped providing players with check-ups for heals/revives
- Configurable function for devs to utilize their health/medical resources
- Prisoners roster
- View a list of people currently in prison
- Control their jail time
- Unjail them
- Compatabile with xt-prisonjobs prison addons. Adds jobs, crafting, trading, and more.
- Global statebags for prison break alarms and all prison gate terminals
- isBusy and isHacked states for gate terminals
- Configurable function to use any minigame for hacking the gate terminals
- Different random chances alarm is enabled for failed & successful hacking attempts
- Different random chances to remove items for failed & successful hacking attempts
- Minimum required police check for prison breaks
- Cooldowns on all gate terminals
- 🟩 | QB / QBX
- 🟩 | ESX
- 🟩 | OX
- 🟩 | ND
S/o to qb-prison for pissing me off long enough to make 5, 6, 7, lost count... different prison resources.