Timed Quiz is a game of quiz written in Go running in a console terminal. The quiz contains text-based questions and answers by reading from problems.csv
taken in 60 seconds. Both file path and quiz duration can be customized by passing certain flags when running the program. Check here for all available flags
- Go v1.16
displays help of all other options
go build . && ./timed-quiz -h
to supply your own quiz file path to the program
go build . && ./timed-quiz -f ~/Downloads/my-downloaded-quiz.csv
Note that each question in your own supplied quiz file must have exactly 1 question and 1 answer on the same line (separated by a comma) like this
question 1, answer 1
question 2, answer 2
question 3, answer 3
to supply your own quiz duration, the value must be parsable intotime.Duration
To set your quiz time to 10 seconds
go build . && ./timed-quiz -d 10s
To set your quiz time to 1 hours
go build . && ./timed-quiz -d 10s
- Trim/clean to help ensure correct answers with extra whitespace/capitalization are not considered incorrect
- Shuffle quiz order
- Ability to restart the quiz
- Ability to show incorrect answer