Azure AI Translators is a Cloud-based neural machine translation service part of the Azure AI Services umbrella. It's the muscle behind intelligent, multi-language operations for applications, with over 100 supported languages.
The ‘ai-translators-maindeploy.bicep’ template assumes that you are a US regulated entity with requirements for network isolation, access control, and least privilege security controls. For deployment to be successful, please ensure the following pre-requisites:
The AI Translators, key vault, and Storage Account should be deployed in the same Azure US Government region.
Template assumes the following resources exist in the subscription prior to deployment. Please provide the resource IDs for the following existing resources:
Log Analytics Workspace
Event Hub
Key Vault Private DNS Zone
Translator Private DNS Zone
Storage Account Blob Private DNS Zone
Template assumes a virtual network already exists and is linked to the private DNS zones.
Subnet ID parameter must pertain to the linked virtual network for each private DNS zone.
The AI Translator must have the following role assignment configured:
- Storage Blob Data Contributor at storage account resource scope
The Virtual Machine hosting the App must have the following role assignment configured:
- Key Vault Secret User
The ‘translator-text-app.cs’ assumes you have an existing AI Translator resource, an existing Key Vault, and the secret created for the translator key. For a successful run, please ensure the following pre-requisites:
- Provide the FQDN (private endpoint) for the AI Translator.
- Provide AI Translator’s existing location or region.
- Provide existing key vault URI.
- Provide the secret name for the translator key.
The ‘multiple-document-translator.cs’ assumes you have an existing AI Translator resource, a Storage Account with Blob services, an existing Key Vault, and the secret created for the translator key. The Storage Account must also have a source container, a French container, an Arabic container, and a Spanish container created. For a successful run, please ensure the following pre-requisites:
- Provide the FQDN (private endpoint) for the AI Translator.
- Provide AI Translator’s existing location or region.
- Provide existing key vault URI.
- Provide the secret name for the translator key.
- Provide container URIs.