VeryNginx is a very powerful and friendly nginx
- 每秒请求数
- 响应时间
- 网络流量
- 网络连接数
###请求过滤 VeryNginx可以基于按照以下信息对请求进行过滤:
- IP
- UserAgent
- 请求路径(URI)
- 请求参数
- 总请求次数
- 各状态码次数
- 返回总字节数
- 每请求平均字节数
- 总响应时间
- 平均响应时间
###1. VeryNginx is based on openresty, so you need install openresty first.
wget tar -xvzf ngx_openresty- cd ngx_openresty- sudo su ./configure --prefix=/opt/VeryNginx --user=nginx --group=nginx --with-http_stub_status_module --with-luajit gmake gmake install
In fact VeryNginx used that modules in openresty:
- lua-nginx-module
- http_stub_status_module
- lua cjson module
If you don't want to install openresty , you can install that modules manually to make VeryNginx run
###2. Checkout VeryNginx repository, link nginx.conf and VeryNginx folder to nginx config dir.
cd ~ git clone rm -f /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf cp ~/VeryNginx/nginx.conf /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/conf/nginx.conf cp -r ~/VeryNginx/VeryNginx /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx #The two line behind make /opt/VeryNginx writable for nginx, so nginx can save configs in it chown -R nginx /opt/VeryNginx chgrp -R nginx /opt/VeryNginx
###3. Configure nginx
You can add you own site config into /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/nginx.conf.
Remember don't modify the VeryNginx config file in the file.
VeryNginx config like this:
#-----------------VeryNginx config code------------------ lua_package_path '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.lua;;/opt/ VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/module/?.lua;;'; lua_package_cpath '/opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/?.so;;'; lua_code_cache on; lua_shared_dict status 1m; lua_shared_dict summary_long 10m; lua_shared_dict summary_short 10m; init_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_init.lua; rewrite_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_rewrite.lua; access_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_access.lua; log_by_lua_file /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/lua_script/on_log.lua; #---------------VeryNginx config code end-----------------
You can also use you own Nginx config file to run VeryNginx by copying the VeryNginx configuration in /opt/VeryNginx/nginx/nginx.conf into you own configuration file.
##Start service
##Stop service
/opt/VeryNginx/nginx/sbin/nginx -s stop
##Configure VeryNginx Just goto
And you can modify the options and goto "配置>系统>全部配置" to save it.
After you save, new config will be used immediately. Don't need to restart or reload nginx
When you save config, VeryNginx will write all configs to /opt/VeryNginx/VeryNginx/config.json.
If you did a error config so that can't login verynginx. You can delete config.json and revert VeryNginx to default config.
####Default user name and password is verynginx:verynginx
###Enjoy it~