Encrypts blog posts (on site generation) with aes-cbc-256 using a jekyll plugin. The decryption is done via javascript.
- Put "encrypt.rb" into _plugins
- Put "secret_post.html" into _layouts and use the layout on the blog post you want to encrypt. In addition you need to create a key header field that containts the key you want to encrypt the particular post with. You probably want to modify the "secret_post.html" to fit your blogs theme.
- add
gem "bcrypt"
to your Gemfile andgem install nokogiri
- Be sure to disable the jekyll feed / delete the feed.xml or there could be unencrypted content in it
layout: secret_post
title: "Hello"
date: 2019-01-01 00:00:00
key: "my_secret_key"
Hello, World!