- 💻 Examples (wip) : https://troisjs.github.io/ (sources)
- 📖 Doc (wip) : https://troisjs.github.io/guide/ (repo)
- 🚀 Codepen examples : https://codepen.io/collection/AxoWoz
I wanted to code something similar to react-three-fiber but for VueJS.
I started from scratch, I will rewrite some of my WebGL demos to see if this little toy can do the job.
Feel free to contact me if you need a ThreeJS developer ^^
Trois is a french word, it means Three.

TroisJS is really simple and easy to use :
<div id="app">
<renderer ref="renderer" antialias orbit-ctrl resize="window">
<camera :position="{ z: 10 }"></camera>
<point-light :position="{ y: 50, z: 50 }"></point-light>
<box ref="box" :rotation="{ y: Math.PI / 4, z: Math.PI / 4 }">
<script type="module">
import { createApp } from 'https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/build/trois.module.cdn.min.js';
mounted() {
const renderer = this.$refs.renderer;
const box = this.$refs.box.mesh;
renderer.onBeforeRender(() => {
box.rotation.x += 0.01;
Read more on https://troisjs.github.io/guide/