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Tags: xdcesc/star



Toggle v0.2.8's commit message
- Add sort by `bdiff` feature to sort stocks by `(s.price -…


- Add sort by `sdiff` feature to sort stocks by `(s.price - s.expensive)/s.price`.
- Remove the symbols from result with the specified keywords in name or comment.
- Update node modules: moment to 2.10.6.


Toggle v0.2.7's commit message
- Add `--lteb [pct]` support to query symbols that make 100*(s.price …

…- <= pct.

- Add `--gtes [pct]` support to query symbols that make 100*(s.price - s.expensive)/s.price >= pct.
- Update node modules:blessed,blessed-contrib,moment,request.


Toggle v0.2.6's commit message
- Make `star -wo` or `star -w -o` to watch held stocks.

- Use moment 'zh-cn' locale instead of const days to format dayOfWeek output in finance cal.
- Update nodejs modules:async@~1.4.0,blessed@~0.1.14,blessed-contrib@~2.3.1.
- Add `--lteb` and `--gtes` support to filter the stocks whose current price is lower than buy price or greater than sell price.
- Fix bug of query none exist symbols.


Toggle v0.2.5's commit message
- Fix Trailing comma bugs when run `star *` cmds.

- Set conf.chunkSize from 20 to 25.
- Improve console output string padding problem.
- Update request timeout error msg for SZ market insider trading query.


Toggle v0.2.4's commit message
- Update blessed-contrib to v2.2.1

- Trim inline tabs of events in finance calendar.
- Update bluebird to v2.9.34.
- Add trace symbol duplication check.


Toggle v0.2.2's commit message
First useable version published to npm