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Software Development Kit in Dart for XELIS Blockchain.


JSON-RPC Clients to interact with daemon and wallet API.

JSON-RPC methods


  • getVersion
  • getInfo
  • getHeight
  • getTopoHeight
  • getStableHeight
  • getStableTopoHeight
  • getBlockTemplate
  • getBlockAtTopoHeight
  • getBlocksAtHeight
  • getBlockByHash
  • getTopBlock
  • getNonce
  • getNonceAtTopoHeight
  • getBalance
  • getStableBalance
  • getBalanceAtTopoHeight
  • hasBalance
  • getAsset
  • getAssets
  • countAssets
  • countTransactions
  • getTips
  • p2pStatus
  • getDagOrder
  • submitTransaction
  • getTransaction
  • getTransactions
  • getMempool
  • submitBlock
  • getBlocksRangeByTopoHeight
  • getBlocksRangeByHeight
  • getAccounts
  • countAccounts
  • getPeers
  • getAccountHistory
  • getAccountAssets
  • hasNonce
  • isTxExecutedInBlock
  • getDevFeeThresholds
  • getSizeOnDisk
  • getMempoolCache
  • isAccountRegistered
  • getAccountRegistrationTopoheight
  • getTransactionExecutor
  • getDifficulty
  • validateAddress
  • splitAddress
  • extractKeyFromAddress
  • getMinerWork
  • getHardForks


  • getVersion
  • getNetwork
  • getNonce
  • getTopoHeight
  • getAddress
  • splitAddress
  • rescan
  • getBalance
  • hasBalance
  • getTrackedAssets
  • getAssetPrecision
  • getTransaction
  • buildTransaction
  • listTransactions
  • isOnline
  • signData
  • estimateFees
  • estimateExtraDataSize
  • clearTxCache

Websocket Events

Subscribe and listen to events.


  • newBlock
  • blockOrdered
  • blockOrphaned
  • stableHeightChanged
  • transactionAddedInMempool
  • transactionExecuted
  • transactionOrphaned
  • transactionSCResult
  • newAsset
  • peerConnected
  • peerDisconnected
  • peerPeerListUpdated
  • peerStateUpdated
  • peerPeerDisconnected


  • newTopoheight
  • newAsset
  • newTransaction
  • balanceChanged
  • rescan
  • Online
  • Offline


Use DaemonClient as shown below to interact with a XELIS node.

import 'package:xelis_dart_sdk/xelis_dart_sdk.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  try {
    // Create a daemon client repository which will be used 
    // to interact with a Xelis node.
    final daemonRepository = DaemonClient(
      endPoint: localhostAddress,
      secureWebSocket: false,

    // You must initiate the connection first.

    // You can use the repository to make requests to the daemon.
    var res = await daemonRepository.getInfo();
    print('result: $res');

    // Another example with a RPC request that requires parameters.
    res = await dr.getBlockAtTopoHeight(
        GetBlockAtTopoHeightParams(topoHeight: 1750, includeTxs: true));
    print('result: $res');

    // You can also use the repository to listen to events.
      ..onNewBlock((block) {
        print('new block: $block');

    // You can add multiple callbacks for the same event.
    // They will be called in the order they were added.
      ..onNewBlock((block) {
        print('another callback for new block: $block');

    // Here with another events.
      ..onBlockOrdered((block) {
        print('block ordered: $block');
      ..onTransactionAddedInMempool((tx) {
        print('tx added in mempool: $tx');
      ..onTransactionExecuted((tx) {
        print('tx executed: $tx');

    // You can also unsubscribe from the events.
    // This will remove all the callbacks for the event.

    // You can unsubscribe from all the events at once.

    // You can also add callbacks for the connection events ...
      ..onOpen(() {
        print('channel opened');
      ..onClose(() {
        print('channel closed');
      ..onError((error) {
        print('channel error: $error');
  } catch (e) {
  // exit(0);