Module for interacting with various Steam features
Wrapper around Steam Web API. Requires API Key. Upon initialization the
instance will fetch all available interfaces from the API and populate the namespace.
What interfaces are availability depends on the key
>>> from steam import WebAPI
>>> api = WebAPI(key="<your api key>")
>>> api.ISteamWebAPIUtil.GetServerInfo()
{u'servertimestring': u'Sun Jul 05 22:37:25 2015', u'servertime': 1436161045}
>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL(vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
>>>'ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL', vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
{u'response': {u'steamid': u'103582791429521412', u'success': 1}}
# call a specific version of the method
>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL_v1(vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
>>>'ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL_v1', vanityurl="valve", url_type=2)
It's not necessary to provide the key when calling any interface method.
, format
, raw
parameters can be specified on WebAPI
to affect
all method calls, or when calling a specific method.
Some methods have parameters which need to be a list
Trying to call nonexistent method will raise an AttributeError
Supported formats by web api are: json
(default), vdf
, xml
The response will be deserialized using the appropriate module unless raw
>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL.__doc__ # method doc
ResolveVanityURL (v0001)
key string required
- access key
url_type int32 optional
- The type of vanity URL. 1 (default): Individual profile, 2: Group, 3: Official game group
vanityurl string required
- The vanity URL to get a SteamID for
# or calling doc() will print it
>>> api.ISteamUser.ResolveVanityURL.doc() # method doc
>>> api.ISteamUser.doc() # interface and all methods
>>> api.doc() # all available interfaces
Checkout the wiki for a list of the currently available API interfaces.
>>> from steam import SteamID
>>> SteamID()
SteamID(id=0, type='Invalid', universe='Invalid', instance=0)
>>> SteamID(12345) # accountid
>>> SteamID('12345')
>>> SteamID('STEAM_1:1:6172') # steam2
SteamID(id=12345, type='Individual', universe='Public', instance=1)
>>> SteamID(103582791429521412) # steam64
>>> SteamID('103582791429521412')
>>> SteamID('[g:1:4]') # steam3
SteamID(id=4, type='Clan', universe='Public', instance=0)
# vanity urls are resolved by fetching the community profile page (this is unstable)
# use the WebAPI to reliably resolve vanity urls
>>> SteamID('')
>>> SteamID('') # no request is made
SteamID(id=8193745, type='Individual', universe='Public', instance=1)
>>> group = SteamID('[g:1:4]')
>>> # accountid
>>> group.as_32 # accountid
>>> group.as_64
>>> str(group)
>>> group.as_steam2 # only works for 'Individual' accounts
>>> group.as_steam3
>>> group.community_url