Bridge Digitalstrom devices to MQTT and generate Data for Prometheus
docker run --rm -p 80:8080 swaggerapi/swagger-editor
To explore the JSON Communication between the MQTTBridge or any other Program using this interface (e. g. Digitalstrom App) and the dSS you can use the [Burp Suite]
- Start Burp
- Create temporary project -> Next
- Use Burp defaults -> Start Burp
- Select Proxy tab
- Select Option nested tab
- Edit existing listener entry for ""
- Select "Binding" tab
- Change "Bind to address" to the "All interfaces" selection
- Select "Request handling" tab
- Enter your dSS Hostname in the "Redirect to host" field
- Enter "8080" in the "Redirect to port" field
- Select "Force use of SSL" option
- Select "Support invisible proxying" option
ZoneId=Raum groupId= cluster=Gruppen
SceneId 0=Off 5=On (Stimmung1) 17=Stimmung2 18=Stimmung3 19=Stimmung4
clickType=0 => einmal clickType=1 => zweimal clickType=6 => länger als 5s
applicationType Color=0=broadcast
Room lights, Garden lights, Building illuminations => Yellow = 1 = Lights Blinds, Shades, Awnings, Curtains => Gray = 2 = Blinds Heating, Cooling, Ventilation, Temperature control, Window => Blue = 3 = Climate Music, Radio => Cyan = 4 = Audio TV, Video => Magenta = 5 = Video Alarms, Fire, Panic => Red = Security Doors, Door bells, Access control => Green = Access
Black = 8 Cooling = 9 Ventilation = 10 Window = 11 recirculation = 12 controltemperature = 48 stat/dssBridge/group/3/1 -> zoneID=3 groupId=1 cmnd/dssBridge/group// cmnd/dssBridge/group/3/1 5 =>
{ "name": "Gosund-03", "stat_t": "tele/Gosund-03/STATE", "avty_t": "tele/Gosund-03/LWT", "pl_avail": "Online", "pl_not_avail": "Offline", "cmd_t": "cmnd/Gosund-03/POWER", "val_tpl": "{{value_json.POWER}}", "pl_off": "OFF", "pl_on": "ON", "uniq_id": "BE5891_RL_1", "dev": { "ids": [ "BE5891" ] } }
cmnd/Gosund-03/POWER ON
tele/Gosund-03/STATE { "Time": "2020-12-20T16:56:31", "Uptime": "10T02:55:16", "UptimeSec": 874516, "Heap": 28, "SleepMode": "Dynamic", "Sleep": 50, "LoadAvg": 19, "MqttCount": 1, "POWER": "OFF", "Wifi": { "AP": 1, "SSId": "lykke_2.4_nomap", "BSSId": "6E:3B:6B:3E:B4:10", "Channel": 9, "RSSI": 66, "Signal": -67, "LinkCount": 1, "Downtime": "0T00:00:06" } }
{ "name": "Arbeitszimmer", "stat_t": "stat/dssBridge/group/3/1", "avty_t": "tele/dssBridge/LWT", "pl_avail": "Online", "pl_not_avail": "Offline", "cmd_t": "cmnd/dssBridge/group/3/1", "val_tpl": "{{value_json.scene}}", "pl_off": "0", "pl_on": "5", "stat_off": "0", "stat_on": "5", "uniq_id": "dssBridge_3", "dev": { "ids": [ "dssBridge_3" ] } }
{ "automation_type": "trigger", "topic": "stat/dssBridge/switch/303505d7f8000000000016800001f2d200", "type": "button_short_press", "subtype": "button_1", "device": { "identifiers": [ "303505d7f8000000000016800001f2d200" ], "manufacturer": "digitalStrom", "model": "SW-TKM200" "name": "Schalter Arbeitszimmer rechts-oben" } }
{ "automation_type": "trigger", "topic": "stat/dssBridge/switch/303505d7f8000000000016800001d06f00", "type": "button_short_press", "subtype": "button_1", "device": { "identifiers": [ "303505d7f8000000000016800001d06f00" ], "manufacturer": "digitalStrom", "model": "SW-TKM200" "name": "Eingang links - unten - unten - rechts" } }