@# Slack bots for kubernetes CI/CD
create a new slack channel #devops
got to api.slack.come/apps & create a new app & enable a incoming webhook api
for local development environment we can use a ngrok, for event subscriptions api
- npm install -g ngrok
npm init
package name: (slack-bot-cicd) version: (1.0.0) 0.1.0 description: slack bot entry point: (index.js) app.js test command: npm test git repository: (https://github.com/xhosro/Slack-bot-cicd.git) keywords: slackbot author: xhosro license: (ISC)
we need add 2 packages
- npm install @slack/web-api
- npm install @slack/events-api
we create a app.js file and provide a environment variable for slack signing secret and token that we can find in api.slack.come/apps - export SLACK_SINGING_SECRET= - export SLACK_TOKEN=
we add two permissions for bot and then: - node app.js Server started on port 3000
enable events subscription in the site
we can use ngrok before we need sign in and then: ngrok http 3000