Here we collect awesome browser-related stuff in various categories, such as extensions, scripts, documents, etc. Feel free to star and fork.
Any comments, suggestions? Let us know! We love PRs :)
- Bookmark Dupes(ombpkjoelcapenbepmgifadkgpokfgfd) - Bookmark enhanced, display/remove duplicate bookmarks, empty folders, or descriptions.
- BookmarkHub(fohimdklhhcpcnpmmichieidclgfdmol) - Synchronize bookmarks between different browsers by gist of github.
- Finder Bookmarks(giheghkconpffcaboaoabfjopnnoiglm) - Manage the bookmark like in finder.
- GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture.
- Grammarly(kbfnbcaeplbcioakkpcpgfkobkghlhen) - Grammar checker and writing app.
- Infinity(nnnkddnnlpamobajfibfdgfnbcnkgngh) - Customize your new tab.
- Listen1 - One for all free music in China.
- Notion Boost(eciepnnimnjaojlkcpdpcgbfkpcagahd) - Notion enhanced.
- Notion+ 标记管理器(hipgmnlpnimedfepbfbfiaobohhffcfc) - Highlight content managment.
- Notion中文版(cfocjnjbgnenmlbikfglmnociegpgcaj) - Make notion shows in Chinese.
- Simple Allow Copy(aefehdhdciieocakfobpaaolhipkcpgc) - Enable copy and right-click on sites that blocked them.
- Tampermonkey(dhdgffkkebhmkfjojejmpbldmpobfkfo) - It allows its users to customize and enhance the functionality of the web pages.
- Web Clipper(mhfbofiokmppgdliakminbgdgcmbhbac) - Universal open source web clipper.
- 彩云小译(jmpepeebcbihafjjadogphmbgiffiajh) - Website translation.
- 防止休眠或屏幕关闭(imbpigcghoambmanjekibelfjemnnool) - Keep your screen actived.
- 购物党自动比价工具(jgphnjokjhjlcnnajmfjlacjnjkhleah) - Price comparasion.
- 喵喵折+(ekbmhggedfdlajiikminikhcjffbleac) - Price comparasion.
- 图片助手(ImageAssistant) 批量图片下载器(dbjbempljhcmhlfpfacalomonjpalpko) - Bulk download photos on page.
- 闲鱼强制PC版界面 original version from Big Pear - Automatically redirected to the corresponding PC version page when visit the link of "闲鱼".
All content is collected from the internet. If any of the content infringes upon your rights, please contact me that I will promptly remove it.