Materials for DGL hands-on tutorial in WWW 2020
A curated list of research papers related to learning disentangled representations
links to conference publications in graph-based deep learning
Tensorflow based implementation of deep siamese LSTM network to capture phrase/sentence similarity using character/word embeddings
bidirectional rnn for text classification
Google Research
A probabilistic programming language in TensorFlow. Deep generative models, variational inference.
中文分词 词性标注 命名实体识别 依存句法分析 成分句法分析 语义依存分析 语义角色标注 指代消解 风格转换 语义相似度 新词发现 关键词短语提取 自动摘要 文本分类聚类 拼音简繁转换 自然语言处理
Automatic Document Summarizer using Bipartite HITS, Natural Language Processing (NLP)
a simple implementation of textrank algorithm for nlp keywords extraction