Cline中文汉化版,Cline是一款在您的 IDE 中运行的自主编程助手,经您许可后可以创建/编辑文件、运行命令、使用浏览器等功能。
Comfyui多功能聚合插件(提示词翻译,提示词润色,贴图编辑器,模型引用修复等),让comfyui任意长文本输入框支持中文输入并自动翻译/同时加入报错翻译功能(调用百度翻译),实现翻译自由!同时接入AI大模型实现提示词润色功能, 其它插件功能,请看插件介绍
ComfyUI自定义节点,提供提示词翻译功能,支持多语言。comfyui custom nodes,translate prompt
NSFW detection on the client-side via TensorFlow.js
An embedded software framework for MCU, Arm/x86 Linux and simulator
file transfer app with a focus on scripted transfers
Universal Log file viewer(parse log by user-defined regex)
A Peer-To-Peer file sender/receiver program using User Datagram Protocol(UDP) with Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) error detection mechanism
eJet 是一个轻量级、高性能、嵌入式Web服务器,实现HTTP/1.1全栈功能,包括TLS/SSL、正向代理、反向代理、FastCGI、Cookie、Web Cache、访问日志、HTTP变量、HTTP Script脚本程序、JSon配置文件、虚拟主机、HTTP Location、Rewrite/Try_files等指令、HTTP Tunnel、应用回调和动态库回调等,是超大文件上传下载、…
libqb is a library providing high performance logging, tracing, ipc, and poll.
Implementation of a RTP server that sends video stream (H.264/HEVC) using the Real-time Transport Protocol(RTP) based on Linux/MacOS. 一个基于Linux/MacOS平台的可以发送携带H.264/HEVC媒体类型的RTP视频流的示例程序。
a win10 IDD graphic driver for esp32-s2 usb display, also can modify for other MCU device with usb
ESP32-CAM with LVGL Speech/Face Recognition IR Control
Retro Emulation Collection for ESPlay Hardware, an ESP32 based game console
wireless-tag-com / lv_port_esp32
Forked from lvgl/lv_port_esp32LVGL ported to ESP32 including various display and touchpad drivers