This is a cloud-native application that focuses on the DevOps area.
UI自动化测试框架,支持APP、Web、HTML5三端, 基于SpringBoot框架, 采用Page Object设计模式,基于 TestNG 测试框架构建测试用例,支持消息通知、失败截屏、HTTP 报告、并发执行等特性
即时通讯,聊天,野火IM Android客户端,支持Android 4.x —— 最新
OFD (open fixed layout document) is a Chinese Document Format, just like PDF. It is standardized as GB/T 33190-2016. ofdparser is a parser to parse the format according to the standard.
🍋JetpackNote 是一款基于谷歌官方组件Jetpack开发的笔记项目,项目中包含了对各大组件的源码分析、Demo使用:Navigation、Lifecycles、Paging、LiveData、ViewModel等... \n项目使用Kotlin语言进行编写,依赖库截止代码编写时为最新版本,的几篇源码分析我们分别对Navigation、Lifecycles、ViewModel、Liv…
A library for fast and safe delivery of parameters for Activities and Fragments.
An android library to make swipe more easier and more powerful. Android各种侧滑,有这一个就够了
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
QRcode decoder based on CameraX & zxing-core & ML kit, in less than 50 lines
[停止维护,已迁移到【MVM】]:fire:Android开发 常用基础公共库(mvp/mvvm/retrofit/rxjava/socket/ble/多语言) 直接下载或依赖即可使用
Android Jetpack 官方文档 中文翻译
📌每工作日更新一道 Android 面试题,小聚成河,大聚成江,共勉之~
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
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