- Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
- http://www.xiexianrong.com/
Deep conditional autoregressive models for genome editing sequence-to-sequence problems
Predicting base editing rates from guide sequence
limix / limix
Forked from PMBio/limixLinear mixed model for genomic analyses.
Mutation rate analysis of autosomal loci
a tool for designing primer panels for multiplex PCR.
Customized Qt slider widget with two handles to be convenient to get the range of lower, and higher values.
Method for detecting STR expansions from short-read sequencing data
Tool for demultiplexing Nanopore barcode sequence data
Dual barcode and primer demultiplexing for MinION sequenced reads
General tools for genomic analyses.
Tutorials on phylogenetic and phylogenomic inference
A software package for local ancestry inference and haplotype phasing
An open RNA-Seq data analysis pipeline tutorial with an example of reprocessing data from a recent Zika virus study
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