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Light-Weight Incremental Structure from Motion and Visual Localization With Planar Markers and Camera Groups

In our framework, the initial poses of markers and camera groups are calculated with Perspective-n-Points (PnP) in the front-end, while bundle adjustment methods customized for markers and camera groups are designed in the back-end to optimize the 6-DOF pose directly.

Our algorithm facilitates the reconstruction of large scenes with different marker sizes, and its accuracy and speed of map building are shown to surpass existing methods. Our approach is suitable for a wide range of scenarios, including laboratories, basements, warehouses, and other industrial settings.

15 Sep 2023: Release, some results and datasets, other code will be upload after the paper review.

1. Datasets and Algorithm results

1.1 Datasets Structure

We collect the public marker datasets from Degol and SPM-SLAM, and orignize these datasets like the following structure:

ece_floor4_wall/                      # scequence name 
├── calib.json                        # calibration parameters                                 
├── images                            # images collection
│   ├── 2017-11-22_19-45-24_933.jpeg
│   ├── 2017-11-22_19-45-27_368.jpeg
│   ├── 2017-11-22_19-45-29_604.jpeg
│   ├── 2017-11-22_19-45-31_872.jpeg
│   ├── ...
├── sfm.toml                          # configs of marker family and marker size
├── marker_gt.txt                     # ground truth of markers (optional in our datasets)
└── cam_gt.txt                        # ground truth of cameras (optional in our datasets)

The key-value demo of sfm.toml

# marker type, we support three types: 
# 0:ARUCO_4X4_1000
# which is defined in CMakeLists.txt.
type = 'aruco'             
family = '4x4_1000'

# meters
# the size of every marker in the environment, it is need to be defined as prior information.
# the function processing the marker size is [parse_size_json] in *python/ and python/*
board_size = [

1.2 Download

Download the abovementioned datasets from Google Drive.

1.3 Public Datasets

The perfermence in Degol's work are stored in ./doc/public.

1.4 Proposed Marker Datasets of Same Size

The perfermence in proposed marker datasets of same size are stored in ./doc/same-size.

1.5 Proposed Marker Datasets of Different Size

The perfermence in proposed marker datasets of different size are stored in ./doc/diff-size.

2. Prerequisites

2.1 Ubuntu and ROS.

You can build this repo in base environment via sudo, build some packages and install them to /usr/local. This is a common way for build SLAM repos.

But we build this repo by RoboStack. You can install different ROS distributions in Conda Environment via RoboStack Installation. Source code has been tested in ROS Noetic. Building in conda may be more difficult, but the ability to isolate the environment is worth doing so.

2.2 Some packages can be installed by:

    # create env
    conda create -n noetic python=3.8
    conda activate noetic

    # install ros
    conda install mamba
    mamba install ros-noetic-desktop-full -c RoboStack
    mamba install ros-noetic-rviz-visual-tools -c RoboStack

    # install other packages
    mamba install --file conda_pkgs.txt
    mamba install -c open3d-admin open3d
    pip install pupil-apriltags

2.3 Build apriltag in conda

# download
git clone
cd apriltag && mkdir build && ca build

# cmake options, -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX is path of your conda environment
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/xieys/miniconda3/envs/noetic/ -DBUILD_PYTHON_WRAPPER=OFF  ..

# make && make install
make -j60
make install

3. Build MCGMapper and Source

Clone the repository and catkin_make:

    # build
    mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
    git clone
    cd ../
    catkin_make   # change some DEFINITIONS

    # source
    # temporary
    source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash

    # start with conda activate
    echo "source ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash" >> ~/miniconda3/envs/{ENV_NAME}/

Note: There are some DEFINITIONS in CMakeLists.txt, please be careful to build if you want to run on specific dataset.


# -DIS_MULTI=1: use multi camera code
# -DIS_MULTI=0: use mono camera code

# marker type
# 0: ARUCO_4X4_1000

# whether the robust huber kernel is used
# 0: no
# 1: used

# data source
# 0: from image collections
# 1: from rosbag

4. How to use

Please check all parameters in configs. Sometimes the false parameters are main reason why SfM procedure is crashed (e.g. input inverse transfrom matrix in extrinsics of camera groups.).

4.1. Mapping


CHECK your CMakeLists.txt

# collect images and publish them via ROS, this commmand should be  call firstly because this script need to parse marker size in sfm.toml and write this size information to ./configs/env_ids.json

python/ $DATA_ROOT
# e.g. python/ ~/Desktop/data/dataset-release/eccv/cee_day/

# start mapping service
roslaunch MCGMapper  buildmap.launch

Multiple Cameras:

  1. CMakeLists.txt
  2. CHECK your CMakeLists.txt and Build
  3. Calculate extrinsics of cameras, in our dataset, we use TWO different setups for cameras, you can use the following script to calculate.

    python python/

    Maybe you want to calibrate it by other repos (e.g. Kalibr)

    $$T^{F^i} = T_{g} \cdot T^{F^i}_{g}$$

    in configs_build.yaml and config_localization.yaml

    $$extrinsicsT{i}g = T^{F^{i}}_{g}$$

  4. Collect images and publish them via ROS, this commmand should be call firstly because this script need to parse marker size in sfm.toml and write this size information to ./configs/env_ids.json
    python/ $DATA_ROOT
    # e.g. python/ ~/Desktop/data/dataset-release/ours/dataset-indoor2-120-same/
    # start mapping service
    roslaunch MCGMapper buildmap.launch

4.2. Save Map and Visualization

# save map
rosservice call /save_map "destination: $PATH"
(e.g. rosservice call /save_map "destination: /home/xieys/optimized_map.json")

# visualization
python python/ ~/optimized_map.json

4.3. Localization

After reconstruct the global marker map, we can get a single file (as is mentioned above ~/optimized_map.json), which can be used for global visual localization. Localization result can be subscribe in odom0InfoTopic, which can be difined in config_localization.yaml. The procedure is mostly same as 4.1 Mapping

  1. modify marker map file (or you can predefine you own marker map by accurate measurement, same structure is needed)
  2. cp ~/optimized_map.json configs/map.json
  3. start localization node
    roslaunch MCGMapper localization.launch
  4. publish image/images
  5. python/ $DATA_ROOT
    # e.g. python/ ~/Desktop/data/dataset-release/ours/dataset-indoor2-120-same/

4.4. Evaluate

We can evaluate the ATE via these two scripts

# marker
./scripts/ $DATA_ROOT

# camera
./scripts/ $DATA_ROOT

5. License

The source code is released under MIT license.

We are still working on improving this repository.


No description, website, or topics provided.






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