the design of storage
| MFS | File system.
| UnixFS | Files and directories.
| DAG | Nodes.
| Block | Stream of bits.
Try this yourself
# Convert a file to the IPFS format. echo "Hello World" > new-file ipfs add new-file added QmWATWQ7fVPP2EFGu71UkfnqhYXDYH566qy47CnJDgvs8u new-file 12 B / 12 B [=========================================================] 100.00% # Add a file to the MFS. NEW_FILE_HASH=$(ipfs add new-file -Q) ipfs files cp /ipfs/$NEW_FILE_HASH /new-file # Get information from the file in MFS. ipfs files stat /new-file # QmWATWQ7fVPP2EFGu71UkfnqhYXDYH566qy47CnJDgvs8u # Size: 12 # CumulativeSize: 20 # ChildBlocks: 0 # Type: file # Retrieve the contents. ipfs files read /new-file # Hello World
- Entrypoint into the Unixfs
The UnixfsAPI.Add()
acts on the input data or files, to build a merkledag node (in essence it is the entire tree represented by the root node) and adds it to the blockstore.
Within the function, a new Adder
is created with the configured Blockstore
and DAG service`.
- Entrypoint to theAdd
logic encapsulates a lot of the underlying functionality that will be investigated in the following sections.Our focus will be on the simplest case, a single file, handled by
Adder.addFile(file files.File)
.adder.addFileNode(path string, file files.Node, toplevel bool)
- Create the DAG and add toMFS
adder.dagService.Add(adder.ctx, root)
var _ ipld.LinkGetter = &dagService{}
var _ ipld.NodeGetter = &dagService{}
var _ ipld.NodeGetter = &sesGetter{}
var _ ipld.DAGService = &dagService{}
// Add adds a node to the dagService, storing the block in the BlockService
func (n *dagService) Add(ctx context.Context, nd ipld.Node) error {
return n.Blocks.AddBlock(nd)
// Get retrieves a node from the dagService, fetching the block in the BlockService
func (n *dagService) Get(ctx context.Context, c *cid.Cid) (ipld.Node, error) {
b, err := n.Blocks.GetBlock(ctx, c)
return ipld.Decode(b)
BlockService 添加block 最终调用 blockstore
来添加 block,并且放入到 bitswap 中,获取 block 时从 blockstore 中获取,如果没找到则从 bitswap 中获取。
// BlockService is a hybrid block datastore. It stores data in a local
// datastore and may retrieve data from a remote Exchange.
// It uses an internal `datastore.Datastore` instance to store values.
type BlockService interface {
Blockstore() blockstore.Blockstore
// Exchange returns a reference to the underlying exchange (usually )
Exchange() exchange.Interface
// AddBlock puts a given block to the underlying datastore
AddBlock(o blocks.Block) error
// AddBlocks adds a slice of blocks at the same time using batching
// capabilities of the underlying datastore whenever possible.
AddBlocks(bs []blocks.Block) error
// DeleteBlock deletes the given block from the blockservice.
DeleteBlock(o *cid.Cid) error
// 将 block 添加进 blockstore
func (s *blockService) AddBlock(o blocks.Block) error {
c := o.Cid()
// hash 校验
err := verifcid.ValidateCid(c)
if s.checkFirst {
if has, err := s.blockstore.Has(c); has || err != nil {
return err
if err := s.blockstore.Put(o); err != nil {
return err
if err :=; err != nil {
// TODO(#4623): really an error?
return errors.New("blockservice is closed")
return nil
func getBlock(ctx context.Context, c *cid.Cid, bs blockstore.Blockstore, f exchange.Fetcher) (blocks.Block, error) {
// hash 检查
err := verifcid.ValidateCid(c)
block, err := bs.Get(c)
if err == blockstore.ErrNotFound && f != nil {
log.Debug("Blockservice: Searching bitswap")
blk, err := f.GetBlock(ctx, c)
if err != nil {
if err == blockstore.ErrNotFound {
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err
return blk, nil
if err == blockstore.ErrNotFound {
return nil, ErrNotFound
return nil, err
// Blockstore wraps a Datastore block-centered methods and provides a layer of abstraction which allows to add different caching strategies.
func (bs *blockstore) Put(block blocks.Block) error {
k := dshelp.CidToDsKey(block.Cid())
// Has is cheaper than Put, so see if we already have it
exists, err := bs.datastore.Has(k)
if err == nil && exists {
return nil // already stored.
return bs.datastore.Put(k, block.RawData())
datastore 是数据存储和数据库访问的通用抽象层。 它设计了一套简单的API,它允许无需更改代码即可无缝交换数据。 因此可以实现不同的 datastore 来处理不同强度要求的数据。
datastore.go 接口中定义了对block的增删查改方法
type Datastore interface {
Put(key Key, value []byte) error
Get(key Key) (value []byte, err error)
Has(key Key) (exists bool, err error)
Delete(key Key) error
Query(q query.Query) (query.Results, error)
在代码 go-ipfs-config\datastore.go
中我们可以看到 ipfs 中采用了两种不同的 datastore 实现来存储数据,分别是 flatfs.datastore
和 leveldb.datastore
return Datastore{
StorageMax: "10GB",
StorageGCWatermark: 90, // 90%
GCPeriod: "1h",
BloomFilterSize: 0,
Spec: map[string]interface{}{
"type": "mount",
"mounts": []interface{}{
"mountpoint": "/blocks",
"type": "measure",
"prefix": "flatfs.datastore",
"child": map[string]interface{}{
"type": "flatfs",
"path": "blocks",
"sync": true,
"shardFunc": "/repo/flatfs/shard/v1/next-to-last/2",
"mountpoint": "/",
"type": "measure",
"prefix": "leveldb.datastore",
"child": map[string]interface{}{
"type": "levelds",
"path": "datastore",
"compression": "none",
调用操作系统 api 实现 datastore 存储
func (fs *Datastore) Put(key datastore.Key, value []byte) error {
for i := 1; i <= putMaxRetries; i++ {
err = fs.doWriteOp(&op{
typ: opPut,
key: key,
v: value,
return err
func (fs *Datastore) doWriteOp(oper *op) error {
err := fs.doOp(oper)
return err
func (fs *Datastore) doOp(oper *op) error {
switch oper.typ {
case opPut:
return fs.doPut(oper.key, oper.v)
case opDelete:
return fs.doDelete(oper.key)
case opRename:
return fs.renameAndUpdateDiskUsage(oper.tmp, oper.path)
panic("bad operation, this is a bug")
func (fs *Datastore) doPut(key datastore.Key, val []byte) error {
dir, path := fs.encode(key)
if err := fs.makeDir(dir); err != nil {
return err
tmp, err := ioutil.TempFile(dir, "put-")
if err != nil {
return err
closed := false
removed := false
defer func() {
if !closed {
// silence errcheck
_ = tmp.Close()
if !removed {
// silence errcheck
_ = os.Remove(tmp.Name())
if _, err := tmp.Write(val); err != nil {
return err
if fs.sync {
if err := syncFile(tmp); err != nil {
return err
if err := tmp.Close(); err != nil {
return err
closed = true
err = fs.renameAndUpdateDiskUsage(tmp.Name(), path)
if err != nil {
return err
removed = true
if fs.sync {
if err := syncDir(dir); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (fs *Datastore) encode(key datastore.Key) (dir, file string) {
noslash := key.String()[1:]
dir = filepath.Join(fs.path, fs.getDir(noslash))
file = filepath.Join(dir, noslash+extension)
return dir, file
func (fs *Datastore) Get(key datastore.Key) (value []byte, err error) {
_, path := fs.encode(key)
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
if os.IsNotExist(err) {
return nil, datastore.ErrNotFound
return nil, err
return data, nil
采用 leveldb 存储
type datastore struct {
DB *leveldb.DB
path string
//初始化 leveldb 实例
func NewDatastore(path string, opts *Options) (*datastore, error) {
var db *leveldb.DB
db, err = leveldb.Open(storage.NewMemStorage(), &nopts)
return &datastore{
DB: db,
path: path,
}, nil
func (d *datastore) Put(key ds.Key, value []byte) (err error) {
return d.DB.Put(key.Bytes(), value, nil)
func (d *datastore) Get(key ds.Key) (value []byte, err error) {
val, err := d.DB.Get(key.Bytes(), nil)
if err != nil {
if err == leveldb.ErrNotFound {
return nil, ds.ErrNotFound
return nil, err
return val, nil
IPFS 节点的数据对象都存储在本地的 repo
实现。ipfs 节点使用fs-repo。
Repo 存储了一组 IPLD 对象,分别表示:
- keys - 加密密钥,包括节点的标识
- config - 节点配置
- datastore - 本地存储的数据和索引数据
- logs - 调试的事件日志
- hooks - 脚本在预定义的时间运行(尚未实现)
tree ~/.ipfs
├── api <--- running daemon api addr
├── blocks/ <--- objects stored directly on disk
│ └── aa <--- prefix namespacing like git
│ └── aa <--- N tiers
├── config <--- config file (json or toml)
├── hooks/ <--- hook scripts
├── keys/ <--- cryptographic keys
│ ├── id.pri <--- identity private key
│ └── <--- identity public key
├── datastore/ <--- datastore
├── logs/ <--- 1 or more files (log rotate)
│ └── events.log <--- can be tailed
├── repo.lock <--- mutex for repo
└── version <--- version file
blocks 包含表示本地存储的所有IPFS对象的原始数据,无论是固定(pinned)还是缓存(cached)的数据。 blocks 由 datastore 控制。 例如,它可以将它存储在 leveldb 中,也可以存储在 git 中。
在默认情况下,所有 block 存储于 fs-datastore 中。
keys 目录包含节点有权访问的所有密钥。 密钥以其 hash 命名,扩展名描述它们的密钥类型。格式为 id.{pub,sec}
<key>.pub is a public key
<key>.pri is a private key
<key>.sym is a symmetric secret key
datastore 目录包含用于存储在 leveldb 中用来操作 IPFS 节点的数据。 如果用户改为使用 boltdb datastore,则该目录将命名为boltdb。 因此,每个数据库的数据文件不会发生冲突。 这个目录将来可以能考虑改为 leveldb 命名。