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Parse lodestone for those juicy details

  • Run php cli <func> <arguments> for debugging
  • Run php tests to validate tests
CLI Command Arguments Description
character <id> Prints a character parse.
freecompany <id> Prints a freecompanies parse.
pvpteam <id> Prints a pvpteam parse.
linkshell <id> Prints a linkshell parse.
achievements <id> Prints a characters achievement parse.
banners none Prints the currently displayed banners on the lodestone homepage.
leaderboards feast,potd,hoh Prints the current leaderboard parse for The Feast, Palace of The Dead, or Heaven on High.

All commands accept a flag to print the returned blob to a json file. Example

// prints returned object to file myCharacter.json
php cli character <lodestoneid> -file myCharacter