Simple demo for scaffold of webpack 4 + react + babel. Supports batch processing of HTML templates, SASS, and JavaScript module files.
You will need to have node setup on your machine. That will output the built distributables to ./dist/*
and ./examples/*.html
Step 1. Clone the repo to get all source files including build scripts:
$ git clone git://
Go to your current file directory
$ cd /{your_directory}/uix-webpack-scaffold
Step 2. Before doing all dev stuff make sure you have Node 10+
installed. After that, run the following code in the main directory to install the node module dependencies.
$ sudo npm install --only=dev --unsafe-perm --production
Step 3. Run the following code to enter development mode. The converted ES5 files will be created.
$ npm run build
Step 4. When you done, please open the browser and enter the following URL to check out.
ERROR: npm update check failed.
$ sudo chown -R $USER:$(id -gn $USER) /Users/{username}/.config