A complete home automation system developed on ESP32 microcontroller using freeRTOS. The system is controlled wirelessly via Bluetooth with an android app developed using MIT App Inventor.
LaTeX document written by LaTeX, used for quick learning and inspecting
Simulation code for “Rayleigh Fading Modeling and Channel Hardening for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces, IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, to appear.
Simulation codes for "Alternating minimization algorithms for hybrid precoding in millimeter wave MIMO systems," by Xianghao Yu, Juei-Chin Shen, Jun Zhang, and Khaled B. Letaief, IEEE J. Sel. Topic…
This repository is an introduction and is inspired by applications of Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers (ADMM) for convex optimization problems. Their applications are discussed in the re…
paper simulation "Intelligent Reflecting Surface Enhanced Wireless Network_Joint Active and Passive BeamformingDesign" Qingqing Wu and Rui Zhang
Multi-RIS-aided Wireless Systems: Statistical Characterization and Performance Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Communications, Sep. 2021.
paper simultaion "Sum-Rate Maximization for Linearly Precoded Downlink Multiuser MISO Systems With Partial CSIT A Rate-Splitting Approach code"
demo code for our TWC paper, Hybrid Spherical- and Planar-Wave Channel Modeling and Estimation for Terahertz Integrated UM-MIMO and IRS Systems
vkumar-ucd / RateMaxMIMORIS
Forked from tranlenam/RateMaxMIMORISSimulation code for "Achievable Rate Optimization for MIMO Systems with Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces" by N. S. Perović, L.-N. Tran, M. Di Renzo, and M. F. Flanagan, IEEE Trans. Wireless Comm…
Hi all, some readers ask me the code for channel modeling and Algorithms in the paper "Hybrid Relay-Reflecting Intelligent Surface-Assisted Wireless Communication" (available on…
Simulation Codes for Figure 3 in Reconfigurable-Intelligent-Surface Empowered Wireless Communications: Challenges and Opportunities
An Overview of Signal Processing Techniques for RIS/IRS-aided Wireless Systems
Evaluation of relay selection schemes for cooperative NOMA with simulateneous wireless information and power transfer
This is source code of our Master Thesis on "Decode and Forward Relay Assisting Active Jamming in NOMA system".
Evaluation code of our paper in IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking: ''Energy-Efficient Blockchain-enabled User-Centric Mobile Edge Computing''
This is source code of my thesis.
Source code for paper: Yi Zhang, H.-M. Wang, Q. Yang, and Z. Ding, "Secrecy sum rate maximization in non-orthogonal multiple access," IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 930-933, May 2016
Source code for paper: Yi Zhang, H.-M. Wang, T.-X. Zheng, and Q. Yang, "Energy-efficient transmission design in non-orthogonal multiple access,'' IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 66,…
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising technique for the fifth generation (5G) wireless communications. As users with good channel conditions can serve as relays to enhance the system…
📡 Graduation project, Investigation of non-orthogonal multiple access method in 5g network