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pad committed Nov 17, 2012
1 parent 4d87a53 commit a604955
Showing 1 changed file with 325 additions and 0 deletions.
325 changes: 325 additions & 0 deletions external/javalib/src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
* This file is part of Javalib
* Copyright (c)2004 Nicolas Cannasse
* Copyright (c)2007, 2008 Tiphaine Turpin (Université de Rennes 1)
* Copyright (c)2007, 2008 Laurent Hubert (CNRS)
* Copyright (c)2009, Frederic Dabrowski (INRIA)
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* <>.

(** Low level representation of a Java class file. *)

open JBasics

(** {2 Low level bytecode instructions.} *)

(** Instruction. *)
type opcode =
| OpNop
| OpAConstNull
| OpIConst of int32
| OpLConst of int64
| OpFConst of float
| OpDConst of float
| OpBIPush of int
| OpSIPush of int
| OpLdc1 of int
| OpLdc1w of int
| OpLdc2w of int

| OpLoad of jvm_basic_type * int
| OpALoad of int

| OpArrayLoad of [`Int | other_num]
| OpAALoad
| OpBALoad
| OpCALoad
| OpSALoad

| OpStore of jvm_basic_type * int
| OpAStore of int

| OpArrayStore of [`Int | other_num]
| OpAAStore
| OpBAStore
| OpCAStore
| OpSAStore

| OpPop
| OpPop2
| OpDup
| OpDupX1
| OpDupX2
| OpDup2
| OpDup2X1
| OpDup2X2
| OpSwap

| OpAdd of jvm_basic_type
| OpSub of jvm_basic_type
| OpMult of jvm_basic_type
| OpDiv of jvm_basic_type
| OpRem of jvm_basic_type
| OpNeg of jvm_basic_type

| OpIShl
| OpLShl
| OpIShr
| OpLShr
| OpIUShr
| OpLUShr
| OpIAnd
| OpLAnd
| OpIOr
| OpLOr
| OpIXor
| OpLXor

| OpIInc of int * int (** index, increment *)

| OpI2L
| OpI2F
| OpI2D
| OpL2I
| OpL2F
| OpL2D
| OpF2I
| OpF2L
| OpF2D
| OpD2I
| OpD2L
| OpD2F
| OpI2B
| OpI2C
| OpI2S

| OpLCmp
| OpFCmpL
| OpFCmpG
| OpDCmpL
| OpDCmpG
| OpIfEq of int
| OpIfNe of int
| OpIfLt of int
| OpIfGe of int
| OpIfGt of int
| OpIfLe of int
| OpICmpEq of int
| OpICmpNe of int
| OpICmpLt of int
| OpICmpGe of int
| OpICmpGt of int
| OpICmpLe of int
| OpACmpEq of int
| OpACmpNe of int
| OpGoto of int
| OpJsr of int
| OpRet of int

| OpTableSwitch of int * int32 * int32 * int array
| OpLookupSwitch of int * (int32 * int) list

| OpReturn of jvm_basic_type
| OpAReturn
| OpReturnVoid

| OpGetStatic of int
| OpPutStatic of int
| OpGetField of int
| OpPutField of int
| OpInvokeVirtual of int
| OpInvokeNonVirtual of int
| OpInvokeStatic of int
| OpInvokeInterface of int * int (** count *)

| OpNew of int
| OpNewArray of java_basic_type
| OpANewArray of int
| OpArrayLength
| OpThrow
| OpCheckCast of int
| OpInstanceOf of int
| OpMonitorEnter
| OpMonitorExit
| OpAMultiNewArray of int * int (** ClassInfo, dims *)
| OpIfNull of int (* offset *)
| OpIfNonNull of int (* offset *)
| OpGotoW of int (* offset *)
| OpJsrW of int (* offset *)
| OpBreakpoint (* should not be found *)
(* | OpRetW of int *)
| OpInvalid
(* if [opcodes.(i) = OpInvalid] it means that there is an opcode
that starts at position j, with j<i, an covers positions up
to k, with k>=i. *)

type opcodes = opcode array

(** {2 Flags, attributes and low-level structure of class files.} *)

type common_flag = [
| `AccPublic
| `AccSynthetic
| `AccRFU of int (** The int is a mask. *)
| `AccFinal

type inner_flag = [
| common_flag
| `AccPrivate
| `AccProtected
| `AccStatic
| `AccInterface
| `AccAbstract
| `AccAnnotation
| `AccEnum

type field_flag = [
| common_flag
| `AccPrivate
| `AccProtected
| `AccStatic
| `AccVolatile
| `AccTransient
| `AccEnum

type method_flag = [
| common_flag
| `AccPrivate
| `AccProtected
| `AccStatic
| `AccSynchronized
| `AccBridge
| `AccVarArgs
| `AccNative
| `AccAbstract
| `AccStrict

type class_flag = [
| common_flag
| `AccAbstract
| `AccAnnotation
| `AccEnum
| `AccInterface
| `AccSuper

type access_flag = [
| common_flag
| `AccPrivate
| `AccProtected
| `AccStatic
| `AccSynchronized
| `AccVolatile
| `AccTransient
| `AccNative
| `AccInterface
| `AccAbstract
| `AccStrict
| `AccSuper
| `AccBridge
| `AccVarArgs
| `AccAnnotation
| `AccEnum

(** DFr : Addition for 1.6 stackmap. *)
type stackmap_frame =
| SameFrame of int
| SameLocals of int * verification_type
| SameLocalsExtended of int * int * verification_type
| ChopFrame of int * int
| SameFrameExtended of int * int
| AppendFrame of int * int * verification_type list
| FullFrame of int * int * verification_type list * verification_type list

type code = {
c_max_stack : int;
c_max_locals : int;
c_code : opcodes;
c_exc_tbl : JCode.exception_handler list;
c_attributes : attribute list;

and attribute =
| AttributeSourceFile of string
| AttributeConstant of constant_value
| AttributeCode of code Lazy.t
| AttributeExceptions of class_name list
| AttributeInnerClasses of
(class_name option * class_name option * string option
* inner_flag list) list
(** inner_class_info, outer_class_info, inner_name,
inner_class_access_flags *)
| AttributeSynthetic
| AttributeLineNumberTable of (int * int) list
| AttributeLocalVariableTable of (int * int * string * value_type * int) list
(** start_pc, length, name, type, index *)
| AttributeLocalVariableTypeTable of (int * int * string * JSignature.fieldTypeSignature * int) list
(** (start_pc, length, name, type, index), LocalVariableTable for
generics, described in the JVM Spec 1.5, §4.8.13 *)
| AttributeDeprecated
| AttributeStackMap of (int*(verification_type list)
*(verification_type list)) list
| AttributeSignature of string
(** Introduced in Java 5 for generics
| AttributeEnclosingMethod of (class_name * (string * descriptor) option)
(** Introduced in Java 5 for local classes (classes
defined in a method body)
| AttributeSourceDebugExtension of string
(** Introduced in Java 5 for debugging purpose (no
semantics defined)
({{:}JVMS}). *)
| AttributeStackMapTable of stackmap_frame list
(** DFr : Addition for 1.6 stackmap. *)
| AttributeRuntimeVisibleAnnotations of annotation list
| AttributeRuntimeInvisibleAnnotations of annotation list
| AttributeRuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations of annotation list list
| AttributeRuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations of annotation list list
| AttributeAnnotationDefault of element_value (* cf. §4.8.19 of JVM Spec 5 *)
| AttributeUnknown of string * string

type jfield = {
f_name : string;
f_descriptor : value_type;
f_flags : field_flag list;
f_attributes : attribute list

type jmethod = {
m_name : string;
m_descriptor : method_descriptor;
m_flags : method_flag list;
m_attributes : attribute list

type jclass = {
j_name : class_name;
j_super : class_name option;
j_interfaces : class_name list;
j_consts : constant array;
j_flags : class_flag list;
j_fields : jfield list;
j_methods : jmethod list;
j_attributes : attribute list;
j_version : version;

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