🔭 I completed courses in python programming and develop my projects, perform test tasks. I'm looking for a job now.
🌱 Current tech stack:
- Python3, JavaScript, TypeScript, Solidity
- Flask, FastAPI, Django, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap4, Tailwind, HardHat
- SQLAlchemy, Alembic, DRF, SQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, MySQL, MongoDB, Pandas
- Linux, Docker, Pyenv, Poetry, Git
📂 My main projects:
➡️ https://github.com/xkxixnxgx/spent_time
- Tech stack: python 3.7, flask, bootstrap4, HTML5, SQLite, SQLAlchemy, migrations db, API, poetry.
- Idea: Some people find it difficult to keep in mind goals that take a long time to achieve and yet time is distributed. We are solving this problem. We record the time spent on certain tasks and output statistics about how much time is spent on a particular task, and how intensely we devote ourselves to the task at hand.
➡️ https://github.com/xkxixnxgx/requests_for_bank_products
- Tech stack: python 3.8, flask, bootstrap4, HTML5, mongodb cloud, api telegram, git, gitlab, data encryption.
- Idea: As part of the "Fintech" direction, we chose the topic "Integration and API". Our task was to develop a system for collecting requests from clients of Akbars Bank via messengers, to develop a web application for processing applications by the Bank's operator with the ability to accept or reject the application.
➡️ https://github.com/xkxixnxgx/task_for_srvhub
- Tech stack: python 3.8, flask, bootstrap4, HTML5, sqlite, git, pyenv.
- Idea: It's default CRUD. You can log in with your username, add an image, or write a comment to your image. And you can enjoy your library of images.
➡️ https://github.com/xkxixnxgx/task_for_cs
- Tech stack: typescript, ES6, eslint, jest, console app
- Idea: The test solution made it possible to master the syntax and rules of TypeScript, the compilation process, working with types and interfaces.
➡️ https://github.com/xkxixnxgx/frontend-project-lvl1
- Tech stack: javascript, eslint, console app
- Idea: The first training project in the framework of the training program "frontend developer" at hexlet.io
🤔 I would like to develop in software development, big data, blockchain.
💬 Communities. Learn Python, Moscow Python.
📫 How to reach me. Telegram: @yury_bor, email: [email protected].