YYEVA(YY Effect Video Animate)是YYLive推出的一个开源的支持可插入动态元素的MP4动效播放器解决方案,包含设计资源输出的AE插件,客户端渲染引擎,在线预览工具。
AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.
Android/iOS video player based on FFmpeg n3.4, with MediaCodec, VideoToolbox support.
A gradle plugin that merge dependencies into the final aar file works with AGP 3.+
An efficient, small mobile key-value storage framework developed by WeChat. Works on Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, POSIX, and OHOS.
Interactive roadmaps, guides and other educational content to help developers grow in their careers.
use your smartphone as a normal computer mouse
BLE HID over GATT Profile for Android
Build a Bluetooth GATT server with Android Things
This is an android app which makes an android phone into an air mouse
An application to control your pc,mac,tv,ipad etc as a mouse or keyboard from your android device using the Bluetooth HID Device profile in Android 9(Pie) & above devices
UIUtil for Android, Lyrics, Tick animations, Comparisons, Satellite menus, Praise, Slide buttons, TAB indicators, Contact sorting, Drag sorting, Skidding deletes, Shadow effects, RecyclerView nesti…
No source code here, this is just where I store the RU.EFI and RU.EXE binary files. They are all encrypted, please find password on my blog page.
💬 DialogX dialog box component library, easy to use, more customizable, more scalable, easy to achieve a variety of dialog boxes. DialogX对话框组件库,更加方便易用,可自定义程度更高,扩展性更强,轻松实现各种对话框、菜单和提示效果,更有Material Yo…
A lightweight and fast AOP framework for Android App and SDK developers
⚔️ A common architecture for Android applications developing based on MVP, integrates many open source projects, to make your developing quicker and easier (一个整合了大量主流开源项目高度可配置化的 Android MVP 快速集成框架).
📦 A complete android componentization solution, powered by MVPArms (MVPArms 官方快速组件化方案).
类似知乎和BilibiliAndroid端个人中心界面 添加下拉刷新效果
Combination of TabLayout and CoordinatorLayout./TabLayout和CoordinatorLayout相结合的折叠控件
React Native module for CodePush