an easy way to create Abrasion/Scratch/Hightlight Holography from 2D images/pictures;轻易从平面图像/照片创建刮擦全息路径
Amperfy is an iOS/iPadOS/macOS app to play songs from an Ampache or Subsonic server
TrollStore 二代 iOS巨魔商店V2.0 安装指南: 巨魔2代安装教程 巨魔辅助安装器 Misaka TrollSpeed 状态栏网速显示
🚀AI拟声: 5秒内克隆您的声音并生成任意语音内容 Clone a voice in 5 seconds to generate arbitrary speech in real-time
pyenv for Windows. pyenv is a simple python version management tool. It lets you easily switch between multiple versions of Python. It's simple, unobtrusive, and follows the UNIX tradition of singl…
Transparent Proxy with Mihomo on OpenWrt.
"Sigma File Manager" is a free, open-source, quickly evolving, modern file manager (explorer / browser) app for Windows and Linux.
GPT automatically organizes your browser bookmarks
Android real-time display control software
🧲 A modern BitTorrent indexer, powered by Bitmagnet. / 一个更现代的磁力搜索列表程序,由 Bitmagnet 强力驱动。
IPTV直播源抓取 自动整合hao趣网直播源+TVBox直播源+其他网上直播源 择取分辨率、速度最佳视频流 定期更新
Rust Wasm 图片转 ASCII 艺术。支持多种图片格式,支持输出多种类型的 ASCII 艺术图。
mihomo 和 sing-box 教程合集——安装、配置、自定义规则、DNS 分流
中文文本错别字检测以及自动纠错 / Autochecker & autocorrecter for chinese
✯ 可直连访问的电视/广播图标库与相关工具项目 ✯ 🔕 永久免费 直连访问 完整开源 不断完善的台标 支持IPv4/IPv6双栈访问 🔕
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