Tags: xnuinside/omymodels
**v0.12.0** 1. Now named arguments always went after positional. Fix for #35 1. Availability to disable auto-name convertion - #36. Now, if you want to keep names 1-to-1 as in your DDL file, you can set argument `no_auto_snake_case=True` and O!MyModels will do nothing with the table or column names.
1. Meta models moved to separate package - https://github.com/xnuinsi… …de/table-meta 2. `common` module renamed to `from_ddl`, but anyway please use public API as imports from main module: `from omymodels import create_models` or `from omymodels import convert_models` 1. Fixed bunch of bugs in converter, but it stil in 'beta'. 2. Previously you can generate models if was any tables in ddl. Now you can also generate Enum models if in ddl you have only CREATE TYPE statements. 3. String enums now in any models types will be inherit from (str, Enum) 1. Added converter feature to convert one model type to another (excluding SQLAlchemy Core (Tables)). Now with more tests for supported models, but still in Beta with bucnh of issues.
**v0.9.0** Features: 1. Added beta models converter from one type of models to another. To use models convertor: ```python from omymodels import convert_models models_from = """ class MaterialType(str, Enum): article = "article" video = "video" @DataClass class Material: id: int title: str description: str link: str type: MaterialType additional_properties: Union[dict, list] created_at: datetime.datetime updated_at: datetime.datetime """ result = convert_models(models_from, models_type="gino") print(result) ``` where `models_type` - type of models that you want to get as a result 2. Now if O!MyModels does not know how to convert type - he just leave it as is. Fixes: 1. In Dataclass & Pydantic generators now Decimals & Floats converted to float (previously was int).