This TCP server reads data in the specified format and displays it in the console and file.
- Name of output file: athletes.txt
- Binding port: 4040
Format input line: "BBBB NN HH:MM:SS.zhqxGG\r\n"
BBBB: number of athlet
NN: channel id
HH: Hours
MM: minutes
SS: seconds
zhq: milliseconds
GG: group number
Example: 0008 C2 11:12:01.764 00
Python version above 3.7
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ telnet 4040
0004 C1 01:13:02.877 00
0002 C1 01:13:32.957 20
0001 C1 01:14:01.543 02
0004 C1 01:14:15.134 99