Used to find keywords in input text and return context about those keywords.
bundle add meiou
gem install meiou
Mieou["What is the meaning of life?"]
First, create the "books/" directory in your project. Then include txt files with the necessary pieces of information. Finally you can do the following:
Then you can use as normal, but also giving references to given text snippets.
Toki Pona is a constructed language with only 125 words.
s = Meiou.to_toki "I Love toki pona"
Meiou.from_toki s
Meiou.extract("A string of input.") # extract keywords.
Meiou.extract("A string of input.") { |word| } # extract keywords and process.
Meiou.define("A string of input.") # define keywords of input.
Meiou.example("A string of input.") # find example from books.
Meiou.cite("A string of input.") # Cite example from books.
Meiou.mood["A string of input."]
Meiou.simplify("A string of input.")
Meiou.astronomy # astronomy object reference
Meiou.zodiac["year/month/day hour:minute"] # zodiac lookup by date