This is the official PyTorch implementation of DehazeDCT. Our method achieves the second best performance in NTIRE 2024 Dense and NonHomogeneous Dehazing Challenge (CVPR workshop))
ROS2 / FAST_LIO / PGO / Online Re-Localization / Consistent Map with BA or HBA
✨✨VITA-1.5: Towards GPT-4o Level Real-Time Vision and Speech Interaction
The repository has collected a batch of noteworthy MLSys bloggers (Algorithms/Systems)
The source code of IEEE TPAMI 2025 "Hyper-YOLO: When Visual Object Detection Meets Hypergraph Computation".
DEIM: DETR with Improved Matching for Fast Convergence
Official implementation of SAM-Med2D
This repository is an official implementation of the paper "LW-DETR: A Transformer Replacement to YOLO for Real-Time Detection".
A tightly coupled and real time LiDAR-Inertial SLAM algorithm. Based upon LIMO-Velo and FAST_LIO projects.
World's First Large-scale High-quality Robotic Manipulation Benchmark
D-FINE: Redefine Regression Task of DETRs as Fine-grained Distribution Refinement 💥💥💥
This is a Chinese translation of the CUDA programming guide
Fast and memory-efficient exact attention
📖A curated list of Awesome Diffusion Inference Papers with codes, such as Sampling, Caching, Multi-GPUs, etc. 🎉🎉
hopef / onnx-simplifier
Forked from daquexian/onnx-simplifierSimplify your onnx model
This is a series of GPU optimization topics. Here we will introduce how to optimize the CUDA kernel in detail. I will introduce several basic kernel optimizations, including: elementwise, reduce, s…
InstantSplat: Sparse-view SfM-free Gaussian Splatting in Seconds
An open-source autonomous highway pilot system for privately owned vehicles
A generative world for general-purpose robotics & embodied AI learning.
The LLVM Project is a collection of modular and reusable compiler and toolchain technologies.
Yet Another Language Model: LLM inference in C++/CUDA, no libraries except for I/O