Makes working with KKP e2e tests in Prowjobs easier
dj [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
exec Execute a command in a Prow job Pod
help Help about any command
kind-proxy Tunnel through to a kind cluster running inside a Prow job pod, making it available on localhost:8080
kkp-usercluster Retrieves the kubeconfig for accessing the KKP user cluster in an e2e job
logs Stream the logs of the test container of a Prow job Pod
-h, --help help for dj
--kubeconfig string kubeconfig file to use (uses $KUBECONFIG by default)
-n, --namespace string Kubernetes namespace where Prow jobs are running in (default "default")
-v, --verbose Enable more verbose output
--version version for dj
Use "dj [command] --help" for more information about a command.
You're asking the right questions, my friend!
Indeed, originally the code was just a bunch of shell scripts, but at some point it became too difficult to maintain and the quoting issues of nesting bash in bash in kubectl exec in bash was just no fun anymore. Also, sharing the code in form of scripts was hard.
What this offers over kubeconfig:
will automatically wait for things to happen. You can runkind-proxy
right when you Prowjob started and it will wait until kind is actually done creating the
accepts both the build ID (64-bit integer, shown on Spyglass pages) and the job ID (UUID, equals the pod name). Again, you can write a label selector by hand, butdj
is just more convenient.