A Chrome extension to auto fill the forms, current version: 2.0
You are free to download/use/modify these codes for non-commercial uses
Version1.0 DemoVideo/演示视频: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTM0MzQzMDI0.html
if you understand chinese, skip this README.md and directly view the 最简单的安装方法.txt
- This extension enables two account types: local account and web account.
- Local account requires nothing but a length of 3 characters of username when you register, while the length of a web account's username is at least 4.
- Local account stores data locally, and I ensured data security as best as I can. Yet, I am not a security specialist, so I can't make a promise that this extension won't get your accounts into troubles, serious uses please avoid storing sensitive data on the extension.
- Web account stores data on a web database. However, I haven't bought such a database, so don't register a web account unless you are a developer, and will set up PHP, MySQL on your machine, later in this document I'll tell you how to do it.
- This plug-in can be used almost all web browsers that incoporate chrome's core, this README will guide you assuming that you are using chrome/chromium.
- Type
in your address bar and open it - Tick developer's mode in the upper right corner
- Then click a button named load a developing extension or something like that (because I'm using a chinese version, dont't exactly know what the button says in English)
- Choose
then click OK. - If you just use local account or you are not a developer, then congratulations! Installation complete! Else keep on ...
- You are a developer! Welcome! First you have to install PHP, and make sure it works, detailed installation of php can be found on web.
- Then you have to set up MySQL database, please search the web for detailed installation. Remeber that, initially my
MySQL setting is password for root account is 123abc, you can change it as long as you change the default settings
files - Copy all the files from
to your localhost directory - Create a database named hyperfill using root account and password 123abc, then create two tables according to
. - All set.
- Strongly recommend you directly refer to the Demo Video (even though it's a v1.0) first. Else move forward.
- After installation, just register a local account(length of username <= 3) or a web account(length of username > 3), fill all three rows, and be aware that if your don't finish 7~10 in Installation above, you can't register or use a web account.
- Login with your account. Open a new tab ( old tabs must be refreshed to load the extension ), fill in any forms, then click the extionsion icon, and click 保存当前表单 to save.
- You can click 清除保存内容 to clean what you have saved on the current page.
- When you shut the broweser, your account will automatically logoff.
- More functions I don't write in detailed, if you are interested, contact my email.
- Find a way to reduce code redundancy
Every php file contains databases's username and password, group it into a single file- Waiting for some advices
Git: fanfank
- Code authors: Reetsee.Xu, Harry.Xiao, Shenghua.Xu, Junhua.He
- Contact email: [email protected]
© 2013 XiaoHe Team
README.md Last update: 20130818