Sharekit 在社区的驱动下迎来了 2.0 版本的重生(原开发者已不再维护)。
- 新浪微博
- 网易微博
- 腾讯微博
- 豆瓣
- 人人网
- Plurk (融合自polydice/ShareKit-Sharers)
暂无(如果有需求可以提 Issue,但不一定会考虑 XD)
当前的代码还是比较混乱,我不清楚社区是否会进行进行重构(以目前社区 Issue 看来是没有的),当国内服务整合差不多了,就开始对代码进行优化和重构,之后再进行更多特性的支持。下面是一个初步的计划。
- 优化代码(KISS)
- 多重分享
- 额外服务端支持
Wiki 计划中,尽情期待。
不要私下咨询我为什么服务已经开发,到现在还没有完成,是不是因为私心不愿意公布。 线上的代码就是全部!
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: @icyleaf
- 新浪微博: @icyleaf
In order to make it easier for new users to choose a canonical fork of ShareKit, the ShareKit community has decided to band together and take responsibility for collecting useful commits into what we're calling "ShareKit 2.0". It is now ready for you. It is the first officially stable version of ShareKit since February, with more frequent updates expected.
- new sharers (FourSquare, LinkedIn, VKontakte)
- Twitter on iOS 5 uses system dialogue
- many other improvements, mostly stability and memory issues
- optimized for adding as git submodule to your project for easy updating
You can follow the initial planning at ideashower/ShareKit#283.
As ShareKit is now community driven, you are welcome to help, to judge new features, review pull requests etc.. There are many ways you can help, see FAQ
The latest documentation and installation instructions can be found on the ShareKit Wiki.
!!! Updated new service creation guidelines for contributors are here !!!