Installation procedures and corresponding commands are as follows:
# 0. Backup your previous Vim configuration.
# 1. Clone this repository to ~/.vim directory
git clone ~/.vim
# 2. Install vim-plug (a plugin manager)
curl -fLo ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs \
# 4. Install all plugins with Vundle.
# Note: Accessing GitHub in China may be slow. Be patient.
vim -c "execute \"PlugInstall\" | qa"
- Press
for semantic completion when editing C/C++, Java, Python source code files:
YouCompleteMe is very powerful. As you can see from the sreenshot above, features in C++11 such as type deduction are supported. - Simple code snippet insertions:
- Press
to insertif () {}
- Press
to insertif () {} else {}
- Press
to insertelse if () {}
- Press
to insertelse {}
- Press
to insertfor (;;) {}
- Press
to insertwhile () {}
- Press
to insertdo {} while ();
- Press
to insertclass X{};
- Press
to insertstruct X{};
- Press
twice in INERT mode, an semicolon will be appended to the end of current line, and the cursor will jump to a new line; - Fast Build:
- Press
to compile. The command to execute for compilation is such that: When there's a Makefile in work directory, executemake
, otherwise executegcc -Wall -g main.c -o main
; P.s.- You may manually set custom command by
; <F5>
key will not save the file for you, you have to do it manually.
- You may manually set custom command by
- Press
will run corresponding executable file. Say you're editing test.cpp, then ./test will be run; If it's, thensh
will be run. To set the way to run execrable file, call:SetRunprg
; - Press
to save file and build. If no errors or warnings are encountered, run the program.
- Bind Vim's clipboard to the system's clipboard;
- If you mistakenly edited a file that is not writable, use
force to write (Root password required). - More friendly command completion: For ambiguous prefix, list all possible options. To switch between then, press
successively. - And more to be discovered...