🍅🍅🍅YOLOv5-Lite: Evolved from yolov5 and the size of model is only 900+kb (int8) and 1.7M (fp16). Reach 15 FPS on the Raspberry Pi 4B~
A simulation system based on ROS and Gazebo which is specially built for multi-robot task allocation (exploration and destruction problem)
Robotic Order Fulfillment System Using Kiva-like mobile robots. Conflict-based Search multi-robot path planning.
Implementation of RRT, RRT-connect, RRT*, and PRM in c++
comment and understand for Dynamic Voronoi Graph generation and updating method
Path planing for mobile robotics avoiding obstacles using Dynamic Voronoi diagrams . Was builded using ROS
ROS navigation stack base global planner plugin
Anonymous Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) with Conflict-Based Search and Space-Time A*
Trying to learn Python yourself and various open source code for bots
It is a simple python assignment to test some basic programming skills
ROS human computer interface based on Qt5(基于Qt5的ROS人机交互界面)
A Matlab motion planner ensemble of a global Voronoi model and a local Potential Field model
A project for Motion Planning: Combined application of A* with RRT* where A* acts as a global planner and RRT* acts as a local planner
Jupyter widget helpers for ROS, the Robot Operating System
Plotting library for IPython/Jupyter notebooks
🌍 针对小白的算法训练 | 包括四部分:①.大厂面经 ②.力扣图解 ③.千本开源电子书 ④.百张技术思维导图(项目花了上百小时,希望可以点 star 支持,🌹感谢~)推荐免费ChatGPT使用网站
Visualization and controlling application for Android
ROS node that turns your robot into a web server to visualize ROS topics
利用大规模视觉导航机器人进行快递分拣,涉及调度系统的设计、视觉导航机器人设计、大规模机器人模拟软件设计、路径规划算法研究,涉及技术栈java、C++、c、spring、swing、netty、openCV、ardunio、调度、路径规划、嵌入式、PID控制。——Using large-scale visual navigation robot for express sorting invo…
利用大规模视觉导航机器人进行快递分拣,涉及调度系统的设计、视觉导航机器人设计、大规模机器人模拟软件设计、路径规划算法研究,涉及技术栈java、C++、c、spring、swing、netty、openCV、ardunio、调度、路径规划、嵌入式、PID控制。——Using large-scale visual navigation robot for express sorting invo…
ROS move-base planner plugin using ompl