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(NOW ONLY FOR NFTABLES) Port zapret-discord-youtube from Flowseal and bol-van for easy to use on linux
Personal dot files for my hyprland setup
❄️ Shizuru❄️ . NOTE: This repo is fork from jakoolit but more nix way and more modularize. eg nixcord, nix4nvchad, stylix hyprland and plugin via hm and much more
Development of a simple CI/CD. Building, testing, deployment.
Шпаргалка основных команд Git Bash, терминала OSX, терминала linux.
My first project on Next.js 14: an anime streaming website/PWA based on Shikimori, AniLibria, Kodik, SovetRomantica and Animetize APIs with the Mantine UI kit.
Web Extension for sniffing and downloading HTTP Live streams (HLS)
🐨 Elegant Console Logger for Node.js and Browser
Effortlessly build beautiful command-line apps
Source code for my personal site — Built using NextJS, deployed on vercel
Master programming by recreating your favorite technologies from scratch.