* **Minimum TLS version bumped to v1.2**: if you are using Dex to serve on TLS directly, please make sure clients support TLS v1.2 before upgrading.
* Added Active Directory and Kubelogin integration sample (#1390, @okamototk)
* Added option to use GitHub login as id (#1396, @jtnord)
Bug fixes, misc changes:
* Dockerfile Go version bumped to v1.11.5 (#1389, @ericchiang)
* Minimum TLS version bumped to TLSv1.2 (#1392, @stevendanna)
* Added @JoelSpeed as maintainer (#1394, @srenatus)
* Added tests for LDAP filtering (#1249, @srenatus)
* Print Access token in example app (#1395, @hainesc)
* Add periodic storage health checking (#1397, @ericchiang)