MATLAB tools for working with shipboard ADCP and navigational data.
How to add a QChart(QtCharts::QLineSeries) to a QMainWindow
Gibbs-SeaWater (GSW) Oceanographic Toolbox in Matlab - Code only !!!
Plot annual counts of CTD, BOT and CHE profiles using Python.
Set of matlab scripts to identify correction coefficients for salinity data taken from CTD rossette and glider
A toolkit for processing Seaglider base station NetCDF files: despiking, smoothing, outlier detection, backscatter, fluorescence quenching, calibration, gridding, interpolation.
Program for processing ADCP mooring data
This document will guide you through the steps necessary to process and analyse both vessel mounted (VM-ADCP) and lowered acoustic doppler current profilers (L-ADCP). Both are complex data sources …
A package for processing Nortek AD2CP data on Teledyne Webb Research Slocum gliders.
Exploration of alternative AD2CP transducer angles
A toolkit for processing Seaglider base station NetCDF files: despiking, smoothing, outlier detection, backscatter, fluorescence quenching, calibration, gridding, interpolation.
Work in progress! Process data from Seaglider 1MHz Nortek AD2CP
Python implementation of TEOS-10 GSW based on ufunc wrappers of GSW-C
Tests of different data processing tools for Nortek ADCPs
Matlab toolbox for representing, managing, processing, visualizing and exporting raw Slocum glider data sets
This repository contains step by step instructions on how to process Slocum glider mounted AD2CP data.
Unofficial guide to the ADCP glider SG637 Omura
sqlite3 database helper, developing with Qt5.10 and Qt creaqtor 4.5
PROJ - Cartographic Projections and Coordinate Transformations Library
Official GitHub repository for netCDF-C++ libraries and utilities.