ncnn Public
Forked from Tencent/ncnnncnn is a high-performance neural network inference framework optimized for the mobile platform
C++ Other UpdatedApr 12, 2019 -
FaceDetection-DSFD Public
Forked from Tencent/FaceDetection-DSFD -
SimpleNet Public
Forked from Coderx7/SimpleNetThis repository contains the architectures, Models, logs, etc pertaining to the SimpleNet Paper (Lets keep it simple: Using simple architectures to outperform deeper architectures )
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 18, 2018 -
deeplearning.ai Public
Forked from JudasDie/deeplearning.aiSome work of Andrew Ng's course on Coursera
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 8, 2018 -
SqueezeNext Public
Forked from amirgholami/SqueezeNextBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedApr 19, 2018 -
MLND-Capstone Public
Forked from mvirgo/MLND-CapstoneLane Detection with Deep Learning - My Capstone project for Udacity's ML Nanodegree
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 20, 2018 -
semantic_segmentation Public
Forked from JunshengFu/semantic_segmentationSemantically segment the road in the given image.
Highcharts-work-with-data Public
Forked from hcharts/Highcharts-work-with-dataHighcharts中文教程数据处理章节相关例子代码
PHP MIT License UpdatedMar 23, 2017 -
road_lane_line_detection Public
Forked from georgesung/road_lane_line_detectionFind lane lines on the road using Python and OpenCV, applying Canny edge detectors and Hough line transforms
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 8, 2017 -
kalman_filter Public
Forked from xiahouzuoxin/kalman_filter这是一个Kalman Filter的程序,内含状态量为标量和二维矢量的C程序实现
C UpdatedSep 25, 2014