A little OpenGL application which renders an (almost) procedural scene, featuring a terrain with distance adaptive LOD, water surface simulation and volumetric clouds.
depandancies needed:
- Assimp
- OpenGL 4
- An OpenGL 4 ready graphics card!
Include/ directory has been already uploaded. Put freetype.dll, assimp-vc140-mt.dll resources/ and shaders/ in .exe folder.
Here you can see a really short video about. (08/16/18)
A special thanks to Prof. Stefano Berretti, Joey DeVries, Etay Meiri and ThinMatrix' YouTube Channel for their awesome OpenGL tutorials!
It was initially made in collaboration with @rickie95 as a course project, but even after the delivery I decided to keep working on it implementing the volumetric clouds rendering, with the hope that I'll have the time (and the will!) to add other features!